Revolver Ocelot

Revolver Ocelot

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Revolver Ocelot

Revolver Ocelot

Ocelot Revolver

Revolver Ocelot

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Revolver Ocelot

Reddit 9gag


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Revolver Ocelot?

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>look at how I can spin this revolver around like crazy! look how cool i am!
I'm playing MGS for the firs time right now. Was this shit written for 5 year olds? every villain comes across as some saturday morning caricature, with how they show off some ridiculously over the top gimmick

And this series is supposed to have some of the greatest writing in all of vidya? Really?



Don't like it don't play it and go back to COD and Fortnite you baby :^)



>kojima memelords

Fucking Invincible

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Revolver Ocelot

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Drop the game and try real western games. Mass Effect Andromeda or Fallout 4 are made specifically for people like you.

>Drop the game and try real western games.
This, but unironically. They certainly have better writing.

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the 2nd one is gay and i have no idea what its saying

>every villain comes across as some saturday morning caricature, with how they show off some ridiculously over the top gimmick

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look at the seething manchildren telling you "no u" when you're completely right
The characters are trash
The writing is trash

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Rebolber Obeblot

Revolver Ocelot

MGS 2 is the best mgs game, specifically the hd version when you play it on an Xbox one.