For me, it's Aria of Sorrow.
For me, it's Aria of Sorrow
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Aria of Sorrow fucking slays. So many cool secrets, abilities, monsters, pixel art, music. I love that shit. The whole "soul taking" gimick is kino as fuck
Same, OP until Bloodstained got released and continued it's legacy
I still haven't played bloodstained but really need too but I shudder at the thought of having to farm for rare souls again
It is much more forgiving getting shards tbqh. I think only one or two enemies are annoying to get but it's not like Dawn of Sorrow shit
I like Carrie's game
The shard grind in Bloodstained is not that bad. 100% shard completion is pretty easy unless you're also going for 9 copies of each shard to get each shard to be the strongest it can be
You wouldn't rather become Dracula over getting cunny, right user?
Is it easy to emulate the N64 games?
Easily the best, followed by Symphony. These two are on a different tier than any of the other metroidvania ones.
Why is all the music from AoS so damn good?
I didn't find any problems with it but I generally don't care for accuracy or best performance so take it with a grain of salt
>metroidvania ones
are the non-2d castelvania games even that good? i've seen footage of lament of innocence as well as the newer lord games and they all just look meh
Remember everyone that there is a novel that is a sequel to DoS, which may have or have not been intended to be a plot outline for a turned down DoS sequel
I haven't played them either. They look really bad, and from what i've heard theres no great standouts just mediocre ones.
Lament of Innocence has one of the best protagonists and the whip combat's not bad, but it has some really dumb backtracking and very samey level design.
It was pretty kino to see leon's portrait in the netflix show
I think Dawn is more fun to play and it's longer too but holy shit that story is bad even for Castlevania stsndards.
>I want to resurrect Dracula because good needs evil
>No reason for this or anything. Not even a reference to Chaos taking different forms throughout history in response to mankinds desires. Hell not even a single reference to chaos at all.
Leon is nothing special and he's only remembered lines are at the end.
Funny, I'm on my first playthrough of that right now.
Got the worst ending, I'm currently collecting souls so I can get the other ending.
always thought DoS was better in this regard
For me, it's
I actually never got or saw the bad end, I guess I just autistically collect souls too much.
I love it but I still think circle of the moon had more memorable music
I'll agree with you on that for the most part, I just think AoS's is fun. Also pretty much all castlevania music is pretty fantastic.
yeah not disagreeing, just CotM had amazing songs
it's kind of the last game with proper oldschool castlevania music
The game is fun anyways
>circle of the moon had more memorable music
>not symphony of the night
>Fuzzy, tinny sounding shite saved by stellar compositions
Castlevania moving to the GBA after SotN was a mistake.
just listen to this remix
a fellow man of culture. have a skelly
Why is this game so shit, bros? I even liked Circle of the Moon much more though that game felt much more amateurish.
Was IGA a hack all along?
no one said symphony was bad anons, but it was a very distinctly different type of music compared to the previous castlevanias which changed most of the games following it
>tfw no Metroidvania collection with redone OSTs
yeah I just want them in higher quality they were so good
I never said anyone did. I’m just saying, it’s tragic how the audio fidelity didn’t start reaching Symphony levels until Ecclesia—the last pissing Metroidvania Konami put out. I was surprised how crisp and clear it sounded on my DS.
What am i looking at user? Please tell me this is all free assets slapped together.
>Can’t into RetroArch
Shaders have come a long way, user.