Why does Egypt get so much attention in vidya? Sure it's a cool aesthetic but we hardly know anything about the place except for myths.
Why does Egypt get so much attention in vidya...
it doesn't get that much attention in vidya
>we hardly know anything about the place except for myths.
>hardly know anything
>was forced vassal kingdom of Rome for thousand+ years the same as ancient Greece
Fucking retard.
By that time it was a shell of its former self. It's like comparing current time middle east to the golden age.
>God tier asthetic
Do you need anything else besides that
>vassal of Rome for thausand + years
What character is this?
>>vassal of Rome for thausand + years
Did you seriously just type that out instead of quoting
I want to FUCK Cleo
Okay but we have almost complete understanding of Egypt and Greece because of it. Hiroglpyhics are perfectly translated just like Greek runes you know why? Because they were both Roman vassals and Roman scribes were so autistic about details that they made both parties cough up as much knowledge as thry could pen down into books and scrolls as they could. You don't see that kind of knowledge from Sumerians, mesoamericans or Indians the way Romans pulled out of Egypt and Greece.
Have you actually tried looking anything up about Egypt before posting this? There's a lot to fucking learn about the place, go do it now
>golden age middle east
You mean Eastern Rome? Sandniggers didn't do a fucking thing that bullshit golden age of islam lie that gets peddled into public schools.
I think it's cleopatra in space
Byzantines were cultural Arabs
t. Spengler
They were greeks larping as romans
Egyptian aesthetics are apparently A+ if you're trying to make a character that I want to step on my dick
Got it, just wanted to make sure there is r34 of her. And there is
more like Arabs were cultural Byzantines
>took majority of Western Romans in after the collapse in the West
>hiuuuuuuur dey wuz greek larperz
is this the western cartoon thread?
Point is, I don't think the term vassal is appropriate since Egypt was annexed by Octavian in 30 BC and became a Roman Province until the muslim conquest. which was somewhere around 600 AD.
literally not a single one of those statements are true but this is probably just another Yas Forums waifu coomerbait thread so carry on then
>golden age of islam lie
that wasn't a lie, the early Caliphates would've been centres of learning and industry since they snatched all the territory from the Romans and Persians. The problems really started when the T*rks showed up.
"LARPing as Romans" is basically a defining feature of every post-Roman culture with an origin around the Mediterranean basin (all two of them). But the Classical culture was moribund by the time of the Byzantines.
Nah the Byzantines were the prototype still affected by the ghost of Rome, then the Arabs completed the model.
Seethe you filthy cuck
This post was made by Ummayad controlled Baghdad and Madrid University gang
He's still kinda retarded because a really good chunk of Romans went to the East and they were welcomed with open arms so this untrue statements of greeks pretending to be Romans is just retardedly false.
>then the Arabs completed the model.
completed what? Their empire ran off the backs of Greeks, Persians and Egyptians. Then they sold out to the Turks and got raped by the Mongols into the shitflinging retards we see today
Don’t you have debts to pay? lmao
>Madrid University
that was built by a Christian king?
>but we hardly know anything about the place except for myths
Except we do, go read a fucking history book.
It was a constant benighted desperate struggle for survival in the middle of a desert and to make sense of the reality they lived in they turned to make believe with false gods and their leaders became drunk with self importance.
If there would be something worse than niggers, it would be muhammeds
they're just sexy
You're not interpreting what I'm saying correctly because you hate sandniggers. The Byzantines and the Arabs were part of the same culture, the Magian culture. You see hints of it in late Rome, but early Islam was part of it and not some alien force that wiped out muh based Greekoids.
take your meds schizo
Read a book, brainlet.
what the fuck, Abdul?