Redpill me into this game
Why is it so popular? Is it truly a good game or just a living meme?
Deadly Premonition
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It’s not popular, it’s a “cult classic”
People like it because it’s a a blatant Twin Peaks knockoff.
This. It also plays horribly, looks horrible and is horribly acted. It's for those who claim to watch Troll 2 for the entertainment.
it's very good but you have to put up with a lot. if you are only used to playing big shiny polished games then don't bother.
What if I find big shiny polished games boring and generally extremely poorly designed?
This is worse designed in every way.
just go play the goddamn game
Alan Wake did the supernatural/thematic bits better, plenty of other games have done the mystery solving better (has anyone played mizzurna falls/is it worth it?). But deadly premonition got pure david lynch bullshit down to a science, intentionally or not.
top tier characters and humor, and a good story.
combat is boring garbage but thankfully it never lasts longer than 10 minutes. set it to easy and just rush through it.
don't bother with the pc port. it's broken garbage that is unplayable and you're better off emulating the ps3 version
I read that the 360 version is the absolute best?
iirc the ps3 version has less retarded controls and a different color filter. I also think there were some differences in performance. also the ps3 version is easier but as I said, combat is garbage so it's basically an improvement
No, they like it because no one who played it was aware of Twin Peaks at the time and so hyped the game cult status.
I'll try emulating then and if that fails I'll get a used copy for ps3
It's a love it or hate type kind of game.
Yeah the aiming is completely broken and I have to resort messing with controls to beat the final boss. Shame nobody make a fan mod to fix it.
B-but twin peaks is the sole reason I'm interested in this game
try the PC version first despite what that user said. with dpfix some people got the game to work just fine, it's just that most didn't.
PS3 version *works* but it runs at like 16 fps. Get it on Switch if you can.
Everyone who was alive in the 90s or is Japanese knows about Twin Peaks
It's fucking dumb but in an endearing kind of way that you'll find yourself missing it after finishing the game.
>Why is it so popular?
Dialogue, a comfy town to explore, combat and levels that aren't... the worst, and a murder mystery that almost gets interesting before it gives up and the main character goes fucking super saiyan.
Get it cheap. Everyone gets it cheap. Or pirate it what the fuck ever.
Don't have switch
I said at the time when the game came out. You can look up some 10/10 reviews that were like "wtf is this, I've never seen anything like this". It ended up in the guiness world records for the most polarizing game.
I love this fucking game.
the aiming is fine (just disable compatiblity for the final boss).
for me I hit a spot where the game would crash when I would attempt side missions. It wasn't the memory leak since it was a consistent crash and I fucked with all settings and compatibility and it still didn't work.
This piece of shit is the black magic of garbage programming. It's fucking amazing in how many different ways it breaks
I only managed to beat DP by periodically transferring saves between my laptop and my PC. The game would crash at different points on both and couldn't be finished on either.
>when you literally fish for the documents
Best moment in the game.
I adore twin peaks but I really disliked my first 3 hours with the game, everything felt stiff, generic and unoriginal, the game felt cheap and im not talking about the graphics when I say that, but the story and the gameplay
It was also ugly and uninspired
Did I make a mistake dropping it so early?
It's janky as hell, and I'm pretty sure I felt the same way when I first started playing it. But the more I kept playing, the more it just sucked me in. It's a really weird experience like no other.
Im genuinly repulsed by all of the characters ive meant so far, none interst me in any manner and when I look at them I only see tropes
I also hate the protagonist and how hard they try to make him seem badass
Did you feel the same way at first?
I'm afraid you have a strong case of the shit taste syndrome
>how hard they try to make him seem badass
I have no idea where you got that idea from. In fact it's the very opposite, he's an autistic lunatic
I didn't hate it, but I was constantly laughing at how dumb and stupid it all seemed. From the characters, voices, music, janky controls and the dated-even-for-its-time graphics. You might never actually like it even if you keep going but by the end of it I found myself thinking that I won't experience another game like it.
I don’t understand how you can love Twin Peaks and hate DP. You’re probably just a secondary and like TP to seem unique
Top tier story, humor, setting and characters. One of the few games that actually got me invested in seeing where it would all go. A lot of people talk about it being so bad it's good but it's not. It's just weird as fuck and it knows it.
Gameplay is a janky mess, and the game suffers heavily from bugs. But it's still one of my absolute favorite games.
Doing the side quests is essential because it's the only way to get to know the townsfolk properly. Get a checklist of some kind because they lock up as the game progresses.
Also, print out a map, not even kidding.
This is just my experience over the first 2 hours, I've gonna through a combat-focused level on a game with shit combat, drove in a game shit driving, searched a police station and had a boring conversation with an old lady, the main mystery hasn't hooked me yet
My main problem is that it forgoes the subtlety of twin peaks as it also wants to pretend to be an action game
>A lot of people talk about it being so bad it's good but it's not. It's just weird as fuck and it knows it.
That's how I started when I first played it (thinking it's so bad it's good), but as I kept going, I could see how very self-aware it was and I couldn't help but miss it when I actually finished playing through the whole thing.
Some people do praise it in really pretentious ways which really gives the wrong impression of the game's very relaxed and weird atmosphere.
>the subtlety of twin peaks
we've got a comedian here
>forgoes the subtlety of twin peaks
So I was right. You’re a pretentious secondary. I love TP and it’s definitely well written, but it’s not subtle
>combat is boring garbage but thankfully it never lasts longer than 10 minutes
Unless you fight those annoying, wall crawling, bullet sponge bitches later in the game.