I was thinking about getting this, but I dunno, it looks kinda weird. What's the consensus?
Anyway, Controller thread I guess.
There are likely better controllers for PC gaymen and I was needing advice on them.
Controller Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
the consensus is that the Steam Controller "could" work with every PC game as long you have Steam running and you make or use community controller presets for each game. Imo it's a good controller, but it's definetaly not easy to use, it takes time learning the quirks to fully advantaging it.
Just get an Xbox controller, since you can use it to make any game work with Steam or Third Party Software, and almost every PC game from last decade does support it natively.
The steam controller is fun but nowhere near as universal as people like to pretend
also there's a lot of troubleshooting.
You should have gotten it when it was like 5 bucks, it's definitely worth that much.
>trackpad aiming
the people defending this are the same who defended steam machines; retards
Steam Controller's great, but why would you get it now when it's stupidly expensive? There's much cheaper alternatives that are probably better options compared to what you're going to spend on this.
My opinion hasn't changed since I got it on release. It's great for games that weren't designed with a controller in mind, and it's great for browsing and general PC usage when you're hooked up to a TV. The on-screen keyboard is really good and you can type quite quickly with it. If the game I want to play supports a "normal" controller though, then a "normal" controller is getting used. I really really don't like the right trackpad instead of a thumbstick. Using it for a mouse however in an RTS game or something like that is great, but it's not good as a thumbstick for turning the camera or aiming.
This, anyone that hates it probably tried playing an fps or a platformer with it and just didn't try again
Speaking of controllers, my old 360 one I use for some games on pc is self destructing.
Is there a good wired replacement for it? 360s seem hard to find now, and the one's all seem wireless(yah I know you can wire them through the cable, but the looseness of the connector gets annoying.)
I've been looking at some of the ripoffs from logitech and even amazon's version, but they all seem really mixed. I'd prefer one laid out like xbox's because of how many games force xbox prompts instead of autodetecting.
Regarding the Steam controller, It does take some configuring when it comes to the touchpad, but you can figure out what works pretty quickly in most games especially once you get used to the gyro movement. The only issue I have is with older games based on d-pad movement because it's an awful experience using the touchpad instead of a real d-pad.
Xbox controller is the best if you just want the most simple plug-n-play experience but steam controller can be configured for nearly any game regardless of controller support which no other compares to
Switch and PS4 controllers both have Gyro and bluetooth but that's a matter of preference. I personally like the feel of the PS4 controller and the pressure sensitive R2 and L2 is almost a nessecity if you intend to play racing games on the PC without a steering wheel.
My favorite is Switch, but with the price gauging since they're out of stock, I'd suggest the PS4 controller.
Same user
Sorry, it's very late. I meant to say my favorite it Steam controller. Switch isn't a bad choice either though.
Last gen controllers for the 360 and PS3 are probably the best options if you don't want to spend like $60.
It’s the best controller ever once you learn to use it (left touchpad for movement, right touchpad for aiming, gyro for aiming, heavy use of trackpad clicks and grip buttons, minimal use of left stick).
But most people can’t be bothered to learn to use it and just bitch that it isn’t a 360 controller because they are tasteless lazy faggots. If you suspect for even a second that this latter category includes you, don’t buy one, because they don’t make them anymore and I don’t need you driving up the price and depleting stock buying one so it can sit on a shelf because you didn’t “get it” after 8 minutes.
It's great for playing games you wouldn't normally sue a controller for, but not as good as normal controllers for normal controller games.
Unless you REALLY dig the touchpad and customization.
don't bother buying op, valve is going to release a modular successor to the steam controller at some point.
It's great for games which don't have native controller support. Point and clicks, crpgs and so on.
It's worse than xbone controller for general gaming.
It's great if you're willing to tweak. If you're a lazy cunt, get an Xbox pad. Also consider holding out for the rumoured Steam Controller 2. For 1st/3rd person action games, the trackpads are arguably superior. For something where precise joystick angles matter, like a twin-stick shooter or Katamari, all the haptic feedback in the world doesn't close the gap
Trackpad for coarse aim and gyro for fine aim is pretty solid, but it takes some tweaking to get it anywhere close to something like Splatoon or BOTW
Trackpad aiming definitely sucks but I find it more intuitive for things like camera control where you dont really need precision. But again joystick aiming also sucks.
Still I like it more than other controller cus you can use it for moving the cursor and a bit of typing in case you are a fattard and too lazy to get to your actual mouse and keyboard.
Just get it if you can find it cheaper than other non-knockoff controllers.
Touchpad aiming with controller input is awful, only use the touchpad (and gyro) when you're able to use mouse input.
Controller input outside of Steam requires a third-party program (GloSc or sc-controller).
Other than that, it's a solid controller but I personally recommend the Xbone (or PS4 controller if you want gyro) over the inconvenience.
What does gyro even work with? Is it useful at all?
>the people defending this are the same who defended steam machines; retards
That isn't how you use a semicolon. Regardless, you're missing the point.
You use it as fine mouse control so you can manipulate fine aim with your wrist while using the trackpad sweeps for quick turns and larger movements.
It becomes second nature after a while.
>A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.
Valve recently patented a new version so I'd hold off if you really need one but Xbone controller is literally perfect
And therefore "retards" doesn't work; it's a single word.
He’s right, you’re not using it correctly. You should have used an ordinary colon in that instance; a semicolon is better used in a sentence like this one.
I use semicolons constantly.
okay then
You should probably have used a comma there, not a semicolon. Technically the latter half is a complete sentence, but it isn’t so long that you need the semicolon to separate it from the body of the main sentence for it to be legible.
Source pls
As an aside here, if you Google up examples of “proper” semicolon use, most of them feel like sentences that need an em dash—this is a good example.
>dual stage triggers
>buttons on the back
>cheap as fuck
it's the best controller unless you want to sell your kidneys to buy the xbox elite controller
Bone elite doesn’t have trackpads though. At least the DS4 has ONE, even if its use is much more situational.
The trackpads are the best part of the SC. That other stuff is great but I could never switch to another controller without trackpads.
This is still my favorite.
nigger that looks exactly the same as the steam controller and this was filed in december of fucking 2018.
based, nintendo controllers are good. I stopped using my steam controller and enjoying my switch pro controller now
If only the xbox didn't have such a greasy d-pad... That's my only quarry with it, honestly.
Make the triggers analog, position the sticks slightly higher, add 2 more face buttons, add 4 rear buttons, replace the potentiometers with hall-effect tech, and you have by far the best gaming controller.