>Dude let's blow up our own reactors and destroy the city just so we can make poor people look bad. Take that poor people!
Dude let's blow up our own reactors and destroy the city just so we can make poor people look bad...
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>dude let's make a retarded thread the proves we didn't play the game lmao
I played it and I loved it faggot. doesn't mean I can't make fun of it. stop being pathetically defensive
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>Lets blow up the reactor and drop a plate. Blame it on the eco-terrorist. Claim they are working with Wu-tai, The force we went to war with a few years ago so we can con the populous into funding my main goal of finding the Ancient Paradise and building a better city on top of that place and leaving this one to rot.
But where will he get the people to build and populate his new paradise when he screwed over all of them?
that's why he drop the dirt poor one
Why he fuck a fucking company bet on a fucking myth?
The people who are on his side because he told them wu-tai killed their fellow citizens.
What myth. They had 2 living breathing ancients in their hands the whole time that could lead them to paradise. Until one died.
If the Ancients were real. No reason why paradise wasn't.
>dude let's keep an alien monstrosity that would destroy the planet if we let it loose in the floor right below our president's office
Don't worry Mr. President, you lie there dying, I'll kill this alien parasite while I jam to rockin' ass music
No you haven't retard.
Your "joke" makes absolutely no sense when Neo-Midgar is a thing.
>There are race that exist
>meaning paradise actually exist
maybe if he just fucking made electricity by regular means like normal people, he would still be alive and his company wouldn't be destroyed by a group of super friends.
if you had super electricity why the fuck would you use regular electricity, makes zero sense from a business sense
The folks on the plate firmly believe all the Shinra propaganda, and a lot of folks in the slums think Avalanche are bad guys enough that there's a reason Barret keeps people out for his meetings and tries to keep the group from speaking too loudly about the bombings.
The man is knowingly harvesting the literal spiritual soul energy of the planet itself, of people's goddamn souls and memories recycled into new life, to burn in lightbulbs and power your toilet and online porn habits. And magic and monsters and space travel exist. Plus Hojo is almost never wrong in his studies and research, and they have proof it isn't necessarily a myth. So it's not that drastic a gamble. Shinra ARE recklessly dumb, but they're not braindead.
i mean, material is also help to push back monster from attacking city, and allowed to do wammy mammy magic
so why the hell not
you should ask why the fuck they need to create Super Soldier?
I'm not even OP and I've gotta say you're autistic. The joke was fun.
because you have a resistance constantly fucking up your work, they can make their ugly city with regular power.
>Dude lets blow up our own skyscrapers and blame it on brown people so we can give Lockheed Martin 100 trillion dollars. Take that poor people!
yes, but there is no proof that land would be lime what they think of
maybe promised land would be destroy long time ago, and it becoming barrel land with no soul energy in it
>yfw squaresoft actually wrote this basic storyline 4 years before 9/11
did the moonpeople know?
That's how 9/11 happened, user
Weren’t they planning to leave Midgard anyway, to build literally nu-midgard, and thought this was a good opportunity to rally the populace and demonise their enemies? They weren’t going to fix the shit anyway
they based on actually false flag
That seems very sneaky, Japs wouldn't know about sneakniess, they've never done sneakiness before.
midgar was already on the way out the mako is running out and its not sustainable. shinra is using avalanche as a scapegoat and they're moving on to make neo-midgar in the "promised land". fucking retard
I have questions. When cloud and the gang are riding the train to sector 5 reactor, there was an intruder. The intruder was in sector 4. Was it Zack? Also, at the end of the highway, did Cloud and the gang stepped into a dimension where Midgar is destroyed? Is this like Chrono Cross?
>just stop making mad profit because some literal retards with no business acumen are mad
you ever wonder why we don't kowtow to whatever GreenPeace says?
You are a retard and probably autistic too.
Does regular electricity supply exist in ff7 or is it all mako based?
1. Shinra sussed out their fake IDs, same as OG FF7. Just this time, it's deliberate, It wasn't Zack.
2. Cloud and company walked through a portal, SHIT HAPPENED, then they walked out outside of Midgar.
Everything inside the portal happened in a different realm, basically the gang kill the planet's manifestation of destiny and then Sephiroth takes advantage for his own benefit, but it's on a metaphysical level.
>Why he fuck a fucking company bet on a fucking myth
He takes financial advice from Yas Forums
I wish James Horan would do more VA work. He sounds so great.