Welcome to gamestop home of the games may I take your order?
Welcome to gamestop home of the games may I take your order?
pools closed due to chink virus
Who even goes to gamestop anymore?
One copy of braphogs 5, please.
Cletus and Jamal. Juan would too but he can't afford anything.
I'll have uhhhhh
Give me an XL cup of orange soda and I want it full this time, not empty like last time.
I do. I prefer physical and I also like buying some of their merch. mostly random clearance stuff
>Juan would too but he can't afford anything.
can confirm I'm broke as fuck
Borgar, i want a borgar.
I'll have a number 15: Burger King Foot Lettuce, the last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on. But that's even worse.
uhh yes, can I get a good game? And make sure it’s actually good this time, last time you gave me DS2 and I threw up.
better to buy nintendo switch games used since you dont even have to worry about the disc being scratched since they are cartridges plus its cheaper than waiting for any nintendo games to go on sale for like 10 percent
Ummmm DS2 is a controller not a game you dumbfuck
I do because I like talking to people who share a vague interest in the same things I like even if we're not talking about it sometimes.
i'd like one game with nothing in it
Last of Us coming up!
Hey, this is a movie, I asked for a game with nothing in it
A game with nothing in it is a movie.
oh shut the fuck up. juan is still out there building houses and mowing lawns getting his ass paid in the midst of this whole corona pandemic. i bet he can buy the whole damn shelf of games in gaymestop
Fake, a gamestop employee would never get through a conversation without shilling for their membership program.
Did they censor out the scene where he actually drops the screw in in reruns?
Alright, that rips it. I'm reporting your name to the manager!
My name is Hugh Janus.
Hello I just wanted to let you know that if you value my patronage you will refund my game this very instant.
Do you have your receipt?
We'll get that refund completed then. Thank you for shopping at Gamestop.
That better not be your receipt, it has the owner's name on it.
He did? I never knew. I guess they didn't want to Columbo it.
No thx