How the hell is Catherine Full Body on Switch and PS4 but Steam only gets the barebones classic version...

How the hell is Catherine Full Body on Switch and PS4 but Steam only gets the barebones classic version? The fuck is SegAtlus pulling?

Attached: Catherine-Full-Body.png (1447x2343, 3.96M)

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PC fags BTFO. next time pay for your games losers

Catherine classic was an exercise in releasing a low effort port of a soon to be outdated games in the hopes that they can make it look like PC wasn't worth returning to
Or maybe not, but it's the answer that Yas Forums wants

Why would they do that, sabotaging their own release doesn't make any sense.

Classic kind of seems like the better version anyway since it doesn't have this third wheel distracting from the core conflict.

Make me faggot

It's honestly a shit game, why the fuck does anyone care? I swear if you removed that artstyle from P5 and Catherine not a single person in the world would give a shit.

Go play Lily's Garden on your phone. Same shit, only free. Almost certainly better written as well.

Say what you will but that's a pretty fucking aesthetics boxart

good job proving that there is no money to be made from pc fags and atlus should just keep ignoring you

>If you remove critical parts of the game then people won't like it!
Wow, I would have never known this if you didn't tell me user

They definitely made a good job getting me to not buy Full Body out of spite. Fuck 'em.

Just wait for the switch emulation when it comes out.

Classic is the best version, the new character and endings contradict the original game's theme. The original game had you make choices based on how you view relationships, Fullbody has you make choices to pick your waifu.

Fatlus doesn't develop for PC and since Full Body runs on some shitty proprietary engine, Sega EU can't just outsource it completely.

What? Why the fuck would they port it to a different engine?

Since Full Body was made by a new dev team inside Atlus (Studio Zero), it was probably to familiarize people with P5 engine's pipeline, which they're most likely using for project ReFantasy now.

opened this thread only to say exactly that
Fuck FB, PC got the best version.

Oh, well that actually makes a lot of sense.

Especially since the original game was just an exercise in HD game development before moving on to making Persona 5.

But Catherine Classic is the objectively superior version.
Full Body is fucking garbage.

Full Body completely shits on the original's themes, like literally every "expanded/full edition" made by Atlus in the history of their company. Dunno how they do it every time.
Original Catherine was a suprisingly mature story about how an adult male can view his life and relationships. There was no right answer and it all depended on what kind of life you want to lead. Whether be it slutty and lively C or responsible and career/future thinking K.
Meanwhile Full Body adds a fucking tranny that adds nothing to the dynamic, but rather ruins it and turns the game into a "choose your waifu" simulator.

Attached: 1242275415115.jpg (600x520, 52.75K)

>Meanwhile Full Body adds a fucking tranny
I don't think you should be getting pissed about a gay alien in a game that already has a tranny

It ruins the dynamic between two girls.

Atlus doesn't want to be made to port their games to PC cause they're lazy so they deliberately shat out the old version

there is literally no reason not to pick C in Full Body, you literally get everything a man could want in it.

>Best girl is a boy
What did Atlus mean by this?

Attached: RinAlternateRender.png (340x1248, 302.2K)

Hey now
Nocturne Maniax was a good "expanded edition"
And uhhh....
Yeah that's it pretty much

double dip. They probably have data showing lots of overlapping purchases on console and pc, so they release the other versions on console, then a while later release on PC with the usual 4k support, some graphics options, a hires texture pack, that sates most folks. If you don't have a problem waiting you usually even get the game slightly cheaper.

>the art style is the critical part
You're agreeing with him that it's a shit game.

You might have a better point if you kept it at that

>implying i want to play the nu-atlus tranny version

Turning sexually confused weebs into fags

I hate that they do exclusives for no reason when porting is so cheap these days. If they had exclusivity contracts I would get it, but they're just throwing money out of the window for no reason.

Is this any good or super strange and solely for weebs?

Because Atlus.

persona 3 FES is great

The first part is correct, the second part is wrong. They gave Catherine Classic to Sega EU because it uses Gamebryo and could be completely outsourced. Any other game would require Fatlus input in at least some capacity during the port work.

Seeing him naked was disgusting to be honest, those fucking man shoulders, I would have reacted the same way Vincent did.

>C gets a more wholesome ending than K
Literally what's even the point of K anymore?

Atlus was molested by some guy wearing an IBM PC costume a few years ago. Don't mock them.

They're the most autistic Jap dev. I really hope they're going to get fucked at some point, the top 3 reviews for P5R on Japanese Amazon are all 1 star and call them out on their shit. I especially liked the one when a guy said something like "you make the game's story about adults acting like shit and then proceed to act just like that yourselves" (in regards to Royal not being a DLC but a full-price release and having DLC on top of that).

implying business men actually have any common sense