Why should you continue if you don't enjoy a game within the first 2 hours?
Why should you continue if you don't enjoy a game within the first 2 hours?
2 hours isn’t that much time to get a grip of what most games have to offer imo
How long must i torture myself to make sure i know what a game to offer?
Don't bother with it if you don't like it. I was hooked as soon as Rex paired up with Pyra. That shit was so tight.
no longer than 3000 hours kek
You should realize you have shit taste and go back to AssCreed and Mario Kart.
It's fine if a game doesn't interest you. It interests other people. If you're not hooked or have a lower attention span, there are plenty of other games for you.
never played an assassin's creed game in my life and mario karts a completely different game. what's your point
I swear it gets good 20 hours in, this is just tutorial
Xenoblade 2 is a nuisance because it's one of those
>it gets better 20 hours into the game
Type of games. I don't blame anyone for quitting in the early parts, the real game doesn't even start until Chapter 5.
All Xenoblades take at least 60 hours to get good. Persevere and it'll be worth it. It becomes kino. And 60 is not much considering you'll get hundreds of hours out of the whole thing.
Really? I just finished chapter 4 and I've been having a blast
idk i enjoyed the first game after like an hour
the 2nd one never got good
It depends on the length of whatever you're talking about. Your generation's the "instant popcorn" of generations.
Is a book series 10 books long with 700 pages for each book? Then to pick it up, get to page 50, and be like "I can definitively say this book series is bad because I am bored" is misguided and retarded. It likely hasn't introduced 90% of the elements that make it interesting in the first place.
I always assume the first 3-5 hours of a long game are going to be pretty boring.
Then the game isn’t for you. And that’s a good thing!
I'm near the end of chapter 3 and I'm honestly considering dropping it. It feels like a chore. Fetch quests, gacha mechanics and mindlessly spamming skills to build up blade combos is not my idea of fun.
>Your generation
How do you know his age?
It's one of those games where the first half of the game is shit, but the second half is pure kino. It's honestly up to you whether or not you want to continue.
How do you know their gender?
>on Yas Forums
My point is you have shit taste in games if you dislike xc2
More like the first one gets terrible 10 hours in while 2 is phenomenal from the start
Why are XC2 fans so defensive? Xenoblade 1 fans don't get this butthurt if someone dislikes their game.
>mindlessly spamming skills
Then stop doing that you fucking retard. I swear you people are so fucking stupid
kill yourself, honestly
The game doesn't require thought beyond matching elements though.
>Xenoblade 1 fans don't get this butthurt
Lmao the only fanbase more sensitive than XC1 is the P5 crowd
Don't believe their lies user if you don't like it at least somewhat by chapter 3 then just drop it
Wait, you aren't supposed to spam arts to do the three art combos and build your meter?
Then stop complaining. The combat is deep enough to be played completely differently and way way faster. If you want to keep playing like a retard that's on you.
The whole fucking point of the blade system is finding synergies and crafting a setup that give the highest damage. If you don't want to do that it's like complaining every battle in Pokemon is the same when you're only using your starter.
Honestly this. I loved the game but if you don’t enjoy it after a few chapters then you probably never will.
Watch Enel combat guide on Youtube.
dont put yourself through something you dont enjoy for the sake of appeasing a bunch of strangers with aspergers over the internet.
>The whole fucking point of the blade system is finding synergies and crafting a setup that give the highest damage.
Yeah, and once you have crafted your setup you spam arts to build up blade combos. That's how the combat works retard.
By all means, don't, we don't need more whiny losers in the fanbase.
>gachashit with mediocre writing, terrible affinity chart system and offline MMO autobattle gameplay
>good taste
Everyone saying it gets better either lied to themselves or have Stockholm syndrome. If you didn't like it from them start, you aren't going to like it by the end, just like everything else.
Picked this up the other day, absolutely loving it and I don't even like anime.
Feels completely different to the first game, though. Did the designers change?
It is entirely fine to get up to page 50 of a 7000 page book series and say "I can definitively say this book series does not appeal to me because I am bored".
This is supposed to be entertainment, not exercise. If you don't like something, drop it and find something you do. Trying out multiple things and deciding what you do and don't like is how you develop your tastes.
And on that note,
You continue if you're the type of person who's fine with slow starts. If you're not, and you know you're not, then drop the game and play something else. It's fine, the Yas Forums ninjas aren't going to break down your door and force you to finish the game.
How does it compare to Xenoblade Chronicles X? I dropped X after getting the lvl 60 dolls, got too boring for me. Never played xc1
yes, they hired literal hentai artists to do some of the designs
Why is he so based?
Driver combos are a million times more important than blade combos.
The only reason you should ever even use Blade combos is only so you can pull off a fusion combo (blade+driver combo at once).
Orb stacking is entirely useless for the vast majority of story fights, if any. Even elemental damage is at least 5 times more important during the story.
No wonder you retards think the combat is slow when you're using the most time consuming strategy there is. It's the equivalent of trying to demolish a low level goon with Exodia.
>If you don't like the slow-ass combat where Nia and Rex can only have two Blades and Tora one, none of your Arts start charged, the Aegis sword can't topple and you can't even trigger chain attacks nor cancel from arts to arts it means you'll never love it once everything speeds up, you master the layers of the system and all combat options are open to you
You have the names to those artists?
Play the Torna DLC of you want instead. It's basically what the main game should've been. From the story being taken more seriously to the gameplay not being a slow ass mess