What if Half Life had dual wielding?

What if Half Life had dual wielding?

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Duel wielding is fucking stupid.
Only acceptable if you're a cowboy using revolvers that take a year to load anyways.

>Duel wielding is fucking stupid.
yikes, imagine being this wrong!!!

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>cowboy using revolvers that take a year to load
It should make even less sense in that case, since you have to make every shot count

then you would deplete your ammo twice as fast.

I love dual wielding guns when it's done right, but most modern shooters try to go for this realism angle and make it worse than just using one gun

>It should make even less sense in that case
maybe it should, but it doesnt. having more shots ready to fire is a maxim that you cant argue against.

>what if HL2 was a halo ripoff

Fuck that noise, quad wielding.

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Where is the proof?

Ambidextrous people do exist.

The main drawback to dual wielding is of course that it makes reloading a long and cumbersome ordeal, so the best guns to use it with are ones that reloading is a long and cumbersome ordeal anyways.

>game doesn't have octo wielding

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You're gonna love DOOM-modding.

Combines would melt even faster

You know where this is going

Fuck you, and fuck da mafia

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It would give the pistol an actual use after obtaining the SMG instead of just being a headcrab killer.

>shadow warrior

I can't decide if you're a fag or not.

t. nogunz
The main drawback of using two guns is that you can't aim or control felt recoil of either. It's especially bad with guns that take a long time to load because you don't get a second chance after being a retard

I like max payne but i fucking hate bullettime
I never understood why people thought it was good, it's just fucking turning on super easy mode for 5 seconds what's fun at all about that

>Needing to use the sights
>Not instinct aiming
>Not being ambidextrous

Enjoy missing the broad side of every barn

Enjoy having to actually use the sights like a baby.

It looks cool

Have you ever considered that you might be a homosexual?
Bullet-time should be in every shooter

Pirates get a pass on this with flintlocks. Edgelord pirate with six or more pistols strapped to him was real meta.

Dual wielding usually sucks in real life.

attach a laser sight

You can't be serious

>be a shitter
>dual wield shotguns
>big on full ass shotguns
>got my target gallon mountain dew bottle that I filled with water
>put a laser sight on so I'm accurate
>god these things are heavy
>aim without bothering to brace it on my shoulders
>jerk both triggers at once
>shotguns fly out of my handsat mach seven
>shit my pants
>wrists are sore for weeks

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Dual wielding is for close range, when you want as many bullets out as possible in the shortest time and accuracy is irrelevant. It's not the most high IQ gun-play, but it's not completely useless.

Might as well just use something full auto, small, compact, and high capacity like an smg or pdw at that point.

Yeah maybe try not being a weakling next time

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Thats boring and lame

Damn, now that unsatisfying trash gun can play it's terrible sound at twice the rate

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Dual wielding is too cool for nerd like Gordon.

Then just extend the mag and learn to aim

For me it's not.A love spray some fuckers with tons of bullets in their body and hearing that sweet rate of fire at same time