What nintendo Wii game was it that there was some big mansion, there was some man and a woman...

what nintendo Wii game was it that there was some big mansion, there was some man and a woman, the woman had a orange vest. after getting in in the mansion she rises up from some chair and chases you.

Attached: mentos throw.webm (720x1280, 756.67K)

cute girl

cute feet

It's a guy and he ain't even as cute as he looks like in that webm.

i know, i follow them on twitter. i just like saying this each time this webm is posted

>that whole juicy coke bottle wasted

Attached: 1583699405215.png (751x684, 683.07K)

i said, cute. feet.

I wanna strangle this faggot

Strangle his cock?

lmao at his face

Stop being American.

Attached: 1574043447387.png (490x560, 176.76K)

lol imagine if that was your dick lmao

imagine the coke bottle being your dick lol

Cool it Mr. 250+ lbs

>enjoying things

Attached: 1546751367653.jpg (640x480, 115.7K)

what did she (he) expect to happen

Strangle his cock with your asshole?

I thought mentos trick only works with coca cola light?

You thought wrong

Strangle his cock with your mouth?

Am I the only one that wanted to know what the game was in OP?

>coca cola light

Attached: 1586572832419.png (1000x800, 102.98K)

It's a real thing.

Attached: 02042020.1585779146.SNCPSG10.obj.0.1.jpg.oe.jpg.pf.jpg.350nowm.jpg.350x.jpg (355x355, 22.85K)

god I wanna suck his feminine penis

Whats their twitter user for video games reasons

So my gf who is apparently a massive fucking fujo has some serious domination kinks and wants to put me on a leash and peg me. She's harrassing me literally every day about that since basically the lockdown started. To have peace I said we'll do it after the crisis but now I have second thoughts about it. What the fuck did I get myself into? Any other user tried that shit?

plaese answer me, was it like resident evil?

god I wish this was me

I remember an user doing it with his gf. In the end, she was just a lesbian in denial refusing any form of sex but pegging. I'm not sure if worth it.

That straight up doesn't look like a human. It looks like she is straight out of a Yas Forums doll thread

change this board name to fucking random

he's more makeup than man

>drinking full sugar coke
May as well kill yourself.

>posting wojak cancer
You should kill yourself.

Me when I see an unsucked cock

kys fat american

What would you do if a tranny did this in your house?

Was it a horror game OP? I'm genuinely interested to know. Could it be Fatal Frame or something like that?
Do you remember what the artstyle was? What was the gameplay, camera style? Some details might help narrow it down.
imagine if that was a cute girl instead and she swelled up with the froth haha