As much as I enjoyed this game!, why the fuck is the ending one line of shitty monologue before I have to watch a slideshow of soi developers? I get that doom isn't a story based series, but 27 years later and the first game still has the best ending.
As much as I enjoyed this game!...
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I didn't care much about Doom's story when it was just some brief text between chapters but now that they're drawing attention to it all I can say is that the writing kinda sucks and it feels like the lack of an intro was setup for DLC and the lack of an ending was setup for a sequel
man did Doom Eternal suck, now that the shills are gone at least there aren't threads every second about it
I literally haven't posted on Yas Forums in two years so I dont know how bad the shilling was. I personally did enjoy the gameplay.
The thing is that doom as a series should know how to do more with less, and the little bit of story used in this game on screen, fucking sucks
Yah they relied to much on Codex entries. They put more emphasis on story but didnt exactly give us fuck all on why we should care unless you read the codex. Didnt help that they did the thing that litteraly nobody likes and made an exposition dump out of ol sammy boy.
Unironically 2016's story was better, did more with less. Eternal adds in origin story, all these different worlds and groups of people, 1000 codexs of lore and shit, but it boils down to the same story of "run around and kill big bad guys, grab important item and then kill super big bad guy" except now you don't get consistent progression and the game just abruptly ends with no fanfare. Doom stories don't really matter much, but if they're gonna tell one I'd rather it be good and not waste my time.
>doom 2016
lmaoing @ this thread
What more do you want? You beat the game. Earth is saved. End of story.
>that hipster hair
>16 demo
Hayden's involvement in general is so unsatisfying. They kind of botched all of the potentially cool moments.
It's a small thing but they should let you initiate the kill on the icon
this filters me
it had, even more so if you don't read into details, it's just the old simple "excavation in mars lead to archeological information about a teleporter, people built it end ended up being opening a portal to hell from where demons escaped"
no there is medieval alien Templar orders following the ruling of alien false gods, and different dimensions, and time travel, and alien floating fortress-ships used for colonization, and secret giant bases at the poles, and resurrected son of alien fighter transformed in titan, and mecha wars, and frozen ancient earth extinct species turned into cyborg monsters, it's so much over the top bs I just press R to skip...
>over the top
It was better when it was completely in the background
>argent rift is discovered on mars
>samuel hayden finds a use for it
>discover hell
>explore hell for argent energy, find doom guy
>olivia is manupilated by the demons to release a hell wave which turns most of the personal into demons
>game starts
>close hell ports
>go to hell
>come back
>go back to hell
>closed the last portal and kill oliva
>game ends
wow so hard to make out
I honestly thought it was kinda shit at first, but after my 5th playthrough I thought "yeah this is probably for the best"
There's no reason for any extraordinary/bombastic story bomb-shell.
Doom-Guy fucked up the Icon of Sin again, saved Earth- and walks off into the sunset only to find some more demons to fuck up.
Simple and fitting.
Not every game needs a crazy twist.
He had some of the best lines though-
>that is a weapon, not a teleporter
I agree with this user. Biggest gripe with the story apart from the boring ending was how they completely underutilized Hayden. Only character of any worth introduced in nu-doom
It's obvious he's gonna be a big deal in the next one.
Am I the only one that felt like there was a huge disconnect between 2016 and Eternal? It's like 2016 ends on a cliffhanger with Hayden stealing the sword and Eternal starts with you having a god damn flying space station fortress, earth is invaded, your sword is somehow in some titan on another planet. Like what the fuck happened between.
3 years happened.
>your sword is somehow in some titan on another planet
those are two different crucibles. Hayden had a demonic one while the real one was on Taras Nabad.
Kino game, cringe publisher. That will all be answered in DLC my fellow consoomer
That and we have 2 more campaign DLCs to go, Chekhov's Slayer Mech still unused and VEGA becoming God. Plus we know Sammy is pretty much Samael.
Yea but at least explain some shit, like how doomguy came across a flying space fortress with teleports and all.
Ok so maybe that part I'm retarded and misunderstood that part, still feel like there's a huge chunk of early game missing.
Not like I mind since the gameplay is top tier so any excuse for extra game is good in my eyes.
It was also obvious that he's going to be a big deal in the next one in 2016 and look how this turned out
Who cares?
He WAS a big deal in Eternal though
I don't care a lot, but there's parts where they start dumping exposition on your and a couple of cutscenes they make out to be important and I'm just sitting there like "I have no clue who these people are". The most jarring was perhaps the one with the weird ghost king that has you kneel in front of him and him talking about flying robot angel lady and I'm just sitting there completely confused as to why I should care about these people.
Leave it to the loreniggers, just shoot the demons like you're supposed to
"Yet even as the Doom Slayer revels in the spoils of his war, another shall rise from the fires: a dark priest consumed by the Crucible. And even the Doom Slayer shall weep in his shadow."
Hayden will most probably steal Doom Fortress, Demon Crucible and go on his crusade of replacing Khan Maykr.
Like said, if id is going to waste man hours on this shit then it better be worth actually engaging with.
It's not even that only ID wastes man hours, but some sections of the game(albeit very few) are slowed down just to give you exposition on part of this lore. Either give full lore or don't give any at all but if you just half-ass you're bound to lose.