Thoughts on Cait Sith?

Thoughts on Cait Sith?

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hate him

my wife

you aren't pronouncing it correctly


>almost no porn
Blessed fat moogle and cat

needs more porn


>shit limit break shit character and you never see reeves


hope the remake fixes the giant moogle looking thing's weird spaghetti limbs, it looks really fucking stupid to have those weird spindly arms on that massive frame

>has top billing for DPing Errith and Tifa in an ancient doujin
based cat

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i'm surprised that twink looking cat isn't already drowning in porn.
i'm sure the remake will fix that though, for better or worse

I got this party member just the other night while playing the original FF7 and I don't have any plans to ever use him unless the game requires me to. Everything about his design says Final Fantasy, but I just cannot give a single fuck.

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It should have been a real Cait Sith riding a toy moogle

Why did Reeve even bother to pretend he was a cat after Shnra went down the toilet?

he's a filthy furry

Good character that gets a lot of undeserved hate.

Cat She

is the most broken character in the game

Stupid robo cat with the fat hips

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We already got a new Red model from the remake, how long before we get Cait's model?

Attached: cait n red.jpg (804x777, 479.66K)

cate sith

doesn't he show up for one cutscene?


If he isn't given Dirge of Cerberus style sneaking missions, I don't want him in the game.

Ceete Seethe

Adds nothing to Royal

He's okay, I'd have made him be the only one able to collect Enemy Skills though. Always felt so clunky to me each character has a different collection of them making a pain to get them all, also some being able to break the game, would also make Caith Sith more unique.
Worked well for Quistis in FF8

ketto shiiii!