Which vidya has the best romance options?
Which vidya has the best romance options?
Can you stay in your containment thread, roastie?
>dating a korean 7 years your junior
now that's some fucking future proofing
I can speak fluent Japanese and some rudimentary Korean. If I got to Korea will QT plastic idol girls suck up to me like that?
Are you rich and fit? If yes, Then maybe.
Are you a mildly good looking white guy? If so then yes.
if you're 6ft with a good facial structure.
the foreigner appeal is really just a buff, if you're a 6 at home you're a 7 or 8 in an asian country.
But it's not a linear buff, so if you're a 3 at home don't expect to suddenly be a 5.
I'm 6,3 spic athletic body build , I kinda look like that werewolf dude from twilight but with a uglier nose,would I get laid in Japan if I visit?
suppress your spicness if you can, if you pretend to be French or Italian or Spanish you'll go far.
Jap girls fucking hate big noses and hairy dudes
shave your body and cut nose off
Only if there are gay options, since female = cancer.
That would be hard ,I'm like a weird mix, I can pass as a colombian or Venezuelan but I doubt they heard about those countries
But I thought Japanese people loved mexico?
Pic related that's me
Literally a mutt
Asians like whites because they're the dominant race. They don't want to descend in the racial power scale.
Korean are disgusting.
>hairy dudes
Absolutely not. I have really long hair (goes over my backs) and a big ass beard and jap girls were all giving me attention like you wouldn't fucking believe it. My GF went with me and she was getting pissed at the time.
Unironically BioWare games, specifically Viconia in BG2. She's the only romantic interest you don't win over by yust being nice/friendly, it requires a bigger amount of roleplaying that endears her to you since you're required to make that commitment
honorable mentions
>triss through witcher trilogy
>xana in dark messiah
I don't understand.
>Jap girls fucking hate big noses and hairy dudes
From the land where free pubes is still a thing, I doubt it
I always wondered how white boys cope
>heart throbbing like meeting her first student teacher
what did they mean by this?
Frankly games without "options" when it comes to romance.
>that shitty zoom at the end of the webm
I have autism, that makes me incredibly angry every time I've seen it done on Korean TV clips.
Asian parents don't give their kids "the talk." They instead hire a home tutor who teaches the kids about the birds & the bees.
I always thought Japanese are too shy to really interact with foreigners? got any stories to tell? ive had a group of them wave and giggle whilst watching me in my home country, was quite surreal because i never got that much attention at once.
Those 3 were the most memorable due to it being my fetish.
You need to be attractive of course. I fall in a very unique, niche type of beauty for men. I pretty much look like a soft, safe thing you need to be careful with. (Pic Not me but good example)
Some, if not most girl don't want anything romantic to do with that since you don't look like the traditional masculine beauty but those that have a thing for that will not stop at anything to try to get you.
All these big girl initiated the conversation in public places and were aggressively trying to get some physical contact with me. By the third sentence they were offering sex.
Strangely, they primarily focused on making me feel good with little regards to their own satisfaction. Like refusing oral on themselves but aggressively giving it. And being on top so they could control the pace
to give it their all. Lots of body worship on me, like licking and kissing every inch of my body. Very needy for sex and feedback. Good experiences.
6'5" korean mom was lonely and really insecure, short hair, plump but not obese. Preferred giving blowjob and didn't like penetrative sex that much. Did throat swabbing on me and it was the best oral experience I've ever gotten.
6'0" Japanese gym rat was alright but way to inactive. Didn't like taking charge and kept asking if she was doing alright. Liked position were she was in a passive role like missonary. Cuddled a lot.
6'2" Indonesian musician was fucking crazy. Literally intercepted me in a bar and dragged me to her room to shatter my pelvis. Kept telling me I was cute and she wanted me to feel good. Almost exclusively cowgirl position. Also liked anal.
Liked this game a lot but fucking time limits always make me tense and rush games I'd otherwise enjoy a lot more, especially in this one with how she turns if you take longer.
>those eating scenes
I enjoy the stress a time limit gives.
>those eating scenes
gooks and chinks look like actual retards. absolute trash race and only a step above latinos or niggers.
How can Asian boys compete?
d-delet this uwu ......
>it's the same guy
absolute madman
Try deleting this!
I just can't deal with that added stress well, I just wanna take my time
>those eating scenes
I might be misremembering since it's been years but doesn't she actually start enjoying it more and more?
How's the controls with the pro controller/a gamepad? I wanna replay it since I never got the true ending but I'm not gonna get my Wii set up so emulation it is
sounds like you had a fun femdom experience for the most part, if true. im quite similar to you, soft face but well built. thing is im like 5,8ft which is a nono for most western girls. but shorter western girls on the other hand dont mind it one bit. also it suprises me how quickly asian women are willing to give almost emberassingly amounts of attention like wanting to be on a picture with you. I believe all some of them see when they white people is Hollywood movies and pretty skin.
funny to see such a reaction to a pretty average joe.
>he didn't choose the dog
Thats not romantic at all. girl got her heart broken and is so desperate she raises another womans child.
I wish vidya romances were more like this. Western "romances" in video games are so unlike anything I've actually experienced. I'm a fucking nerd, I don't date much, but every date I've ever been on has been more like this. Just me doing something that flips some switch in some girl and I haven't a fucking clue why. I've never done a vidya style romance where I have to gift the companion X things and say X line to trigger a romance. The few girls I've ever dated just fell in my lap and I just thanked my lucky stars each time it happened. Just a cute interaction and hey lets go eat or do something together. That's it. That's dating getting started. Never played a video game that reflected that.