Is Tales of Vesperia worth playing? I'm a fan of JRPGs, but I don't like when the characters are TOO juvenile. Reviews seem nice and it's on sale for $20 on Switch.
Is Tales of Vesperia worth playing? I'm a fan of JRPGs, but I don't like when the characters are TOO juvenile...
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Honestly, no. Most of the characters are one-dimensional and annoying, the plot doesn't know what it wants to be and it's poorly paced. The combat is good though.
Half of the main characters are literally children.
overrated tales game. I played it for like 20 hours and it was boring af. go play abyss or berseria
Nah, it got hyped up by xbros back when it came out because it was one of a handful of JRPGs they had available but even by Tales standards it isn't that great.
Yes, Vesperia is peak Tales and has one the best cast in the series.
Yas Forums hates Vesperia now, what the fuck happened?
Everyone replayed it after 10 years
Ah, so it's just like literally every other Tales of game
You've got a point but i'll take symphonia/abyss/rebirth any day over vesperia
These statements are true. The game has it's moments, but personally I don't understand all the hype. I put it on-hold at least two times since I got bored. Still gotta finish it after over 60h, but I'm not motivated to do so. Last dungeon seems to be slog.
Pacing is especially bad, and while some plot points are interesting they are resolved in a very unsatisfying manner.
I really liked the cast but the gameplay and plot is boring as fuck
and it's still fucking great, easily the best Tales game there is.
Yuri: No complains here. Just an excellent protag.
Estell: Cute. Likeable but the resolution to her plot points gets resolved to quickly. Overall good though.
Rita: Annoying. Guess she's a good representation of an otaku archtype?
Carol: Good development. Starts annoying but is actually a bro. Very well handled.
Repede: Mascot.
Raven: Actually really interesting, but game threats him as a joke character. HAHAH he is OLD! Wasted potential.
Judy: Very good char. Her motivations are understandable, she learns about her mistakes and quickly changes her actions. Very mature character, goes very well with Yuri.
Patty: Fine. Likeable, but her story too is rather under cooked and resolved in a very unsatisfying manner.
Flynn: Good char. Handled "okay".
Will there ever be an english patch for rebirth? The gameplay looks amazing
How would the story in Vesperia compare to the newest one, Berseria?
what is rebirth
There've been Youtube videos of an English menu patch running in-game but the team working on it hasn't released anything because they're incredibly lazy.
Fair enough. I loved Symphonia, but I haven't played Abyss or Rebirth
I played it for an hour or so, combat feels stiff. I like the pink haired girl and her interactions with the mc
Is there another healer beside Estelle? Or is she the main healer forever?
Patty literally want to have sex with the MC. How can you not find that hot?!
Carol, Raven, Patty and Flynn all get healing skills.
>You've got a point but i'll take symphonia/abyss/rebirth any day over vesperia
Not sure why, they're all objectively worse than Vesperia in every conceivable way.
On an unrelated side note, how is Trails of Cold Steel 3? I haven't played any of the games in that series.
Yes. The cast of Vesperia is probably the best part. The MC is an absolute top tier JRPG protagonist and the majority of the supporting cast is pretty based.
I think this is the best that Tales combat has been too. Lots of room for slick combos. Story is good, but it's really all just in service of having the characters do shit with each other.
I liked it well enough. Starting it right after Ys VIII, the combat seemed a bit clunky, but after some getting used to, I hardly noticed that initial impression anymore.
This wasn't a problem on my first playthrough, but when I started a second one I noticed that combat takes a lot loger to get going than I liked (in terms of progression of skills/artes).
The cast is servicable. The story is really weird and the game has a budget ending.
Some postgame that I have barely touched where the combat really shines because you finally get to use all these skills that allow awesome combos and movement options.
I hope you're not a completionist autist, if so foget about attempting that without a guide.
More JRPG's need a 'friends-with-benefits' dynamic.
>terrible writing
>enjoyable writing
>shallow characters
>colorful characters
>okay combat
>excellent music
>fantastic memes
It's not groundbreaking, but it's not seriously grating to play either. Starting from Cold Steel 1 is optional, but will greatly enhance your experience.
great but you should play the first 7 games first