I don't usually watch jackfrags but I just saw his latest video on this and it looks promising
What am I in for anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
>bad controls
It's an interesting game, just wish they would try and go higher than 40% on discount.
And jackfrags has really turned into a massive shill.
I was hoping he was not shilling at all since it's not dice's cock, thanks user, I'll look for more information before actually paying for it
Me and my friends recently picked this up and its a blast, if has a learning curve but its really fun. Its a battle Royale that doesn't feel like once, its very atmospheric and punishing as well. Its very dynamic and how you approach a situation is key, I sound like a shill yeah, but Ive been having a blast, its very refreshing.
I've got about 250 hours in the game, I've been playing basically since it came out. My friends and I really enjoy this game. It's probably the most unique FPS game to come out in some time. Updates are pretty frequent. It can be both slow or fast paced depending on your skill or play-style. For me it was worth the $30.
There's my problem. Even the ones who've played Tarkov religiously have a hard time trying to justify playing it, and everyone else who tried the free weekend felt it was too Battle Royale, despite being a fucking hunting game.
Well at this point I'm basically shilling but oh well, I've played solos as well and they're still very doable against duos and trios as long as you're patient. If not then I wouldn't recommend buying the game. Maybe just buy the game, play the two hours and decide if you like it or not?
bump because interesting in this game
Worded my post poorly: I'm a new user, my problem is that I already have the game and my friends are too busy playing anime games.
Oh shit well that's unfortunate. I've never been there myself but apparently the devs run an official Discord server that you can look for a team on. Maybe try there?
It's fun until you hit 20 or so and leave the little pond for the sea of max level fuckers.
>constantly matched up against 3 man teams
At what point should I actually start going for the main bounty? It seems like everything I do anything that's not silently creeping around the map killing basic zombies I get fucked up by people with far better weapons than me.
You can limit to being matched up only against solos/duos. Are you retarded?
>battle Royale
what? you can leave the maps anytime you want, in fact in some cases it's preferable option to keep your hunter alive and get xp. it's not a battle royale in any shape or form.
What said. If you really want some good guns you can play quickplay and get a high powered rifle out of it plus some perks, gear, cash, etc. Also if you're really intent on 1v3 you have to be willing to play pretty safe. Wait til another team takes on the bounty team, and see what you can do from there.
You're in for servers being down for maintenance literally every single fucking day for an hour or two and sometimes longer.
Basically you run around (or sneak if you are a n00b) and run up to people who are distracted by stuff, shoot them and have a laugh.
r u two fucking bots lol
shut the fuck up stupid bugmen
bitch what the fuck is your problem, this is what an actual conversation looks like without shitposting
>bitch what the fuck is your problem, this is what an actual conversation looks like without shitposting
getting a little insecure?
Write me an essay about how I should be posting, you dumb nigger.
Some fag always has to ruin it.
if your good its based if your shit and a crybaby pve player who doesn't put effort in trying to get gud and claims HACKS whenever you die then you are gonna get mad
This a mechanic in Tarkov which is a battle royale as well. Even Crytek refers to hunt as a battle royale. Its just a mechanic.
Jesus fucking christ how fucking stupid are you? Mechanics make a game and define the genre. Tarkov and Hunt are not battle royales despite how the niggers want to advertise them as.
>Even Crytek refers to hunt as a battle royale.
You're wrong. No mention of battle royale anywhere on their website or steam page.
It is a battle royale, and not a hunting game. The hunting is simply their version of the shrinking play area, a basic impetus to create pvp conflict.
D: look at this brainlet. Did you know there were competitive PvP games before the term battle roayle was coined? You sound like you think everything is a battle royale that has pvp in it. Neither Hunt or Tarkov are battle royales.
Alright OP, I got about two hundred hours in the game, half of them in beta, so here's my take on the main game mode (also called Hunt) because during all my hours I never bothered launching the shitty BR mode even once:
At its core it's a PvPvE, the closest thing to this game I can think of was DayZ: you CAN shoot zeds and chew bubblegum, but you'll be attracting the entire map to your gunfire, and every second you spend dealing with a zombie is a second you're not watching your ass in.
There is barely any information passed on to you via the UI, there is no minimap, no kill feed, no objective markers, nothing. Instead you use in-world visual and audio indicators to figure out what's going on.
Everything in the game makes sound, and I mean everything. Plodding around, Reloading your gun, looting someone, healing yourself, heck even switching weapons. To say nothing of the screeching zeds make when they spot you. This heavily heavily encourages you to be silent and tactical about it. As will it do to other players, most of the time you won't even know that there's a Hunter around until you hear a bullet whizzing by your head. However the more silent you are, the more you are aware of your ambient surroundings. Sometimes a mere sound of a shaking bush is enough to tip you off the gun peeking from it.
The gear is nice, you can prepare for all situations and the zed variety encourages you to (you can't use knives on an immolator, you need to set a Concertina Armored on fire, Hives are ranged zeds so you need some kind of throwable to dispatch them etc) as well as player variety (melee, close range, medium range and long range) but that costs money, and trust me dollars are a tight resource in this game, you HAVE to go in with free equipment some times(you can see the random selection before you pick it, a new set is rolled after every Hunt)
Speaking of money and equipment: the weapon balance is great; there is only ONE automatic weapon in the game and it costs the same money you would get of ten successful hunts, it also only comes with five pulls of the trigger and then it's dry.
There's only ONE rifle on the game that can one-shot you on a chest shot from a distance, it costs about seven successful hunts worth of money, and even then you only get six ammo total (that doesn't not refill from ammo crates)
Do you see the theme? If you wanna instantly kill someone you gotta outplay and outskill them, even with those insanely powerful weapons you would not be able to take on the entire map+ zeds+boss. And yet the otherweapons are no peashooters, pistols can headshot one-shot from ranges between 60 to 95 meters. The starter gun (a Winchester repeater) can one shot at 100 meters and two-shots in the chest at medium-close range.
Actual rifles like the Mosin leave you with about 5% health if you're shot in the chest. None feel like peashooters since their damage is so high, but none of them can easily instantly take out a player unless you have a superior position on you and the element of surprise.
While it's true that any game is twice as fun with a friend, Hunt benifits even more than usual from having a friend around instead of a rando, if only for the simple fact that the in-game comms can be heard by other players. Yes even the team's text chat can be eavesdropped on by enemy players if they're close enough, adding to the whole "all information can be gleaned by visual and audio cues.
Personally, I'm a fan of that time period, seeing civil war forts sinking into the bayou, the repeaters, revolvers and dynamite sticks.
it had some of the most obvious shill threads made by some of the most underpaid interns