Animal Crossing GC upwards of $100

>Animal Crossing GC upwards of $100
>Obscure Japanese enhanced version e+ is like $15
fuuuuuuck the retro game market

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offer and demand, the keypoint is that not a lot of people talk japanese.

Basedboys ruined retro game collecting. Their love of consooming and fake nerd culture has driven the prices of retro games (especially Nintendo) sky high. Don't even bother with original hardware, especially if it can be emulated.

>Pay $100 to have a plastic rectangle on your shelf that serves as a conversation starter for the completely made-up group of people that would care about seeing a copy of Animal Crossing GC in 2020

Just fucking emulate dude stop kidding yourself

yeah retro game market has been fucked ever since 2012, just emulate and call it a day

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E+ is basically the same as the American release.

No, scalpers ruined it. Unless you mean that the hipsters are the ones running the scalping in which case you're correct. The market is slowly correcting itself though. 3rd and 4th gen market is plunging back down. Corona is going to put the brick and mortar stores out of business. Expect inventory selloffs like JJGames recently. The Japanese market isn't obsessed with flipping their games like a boomer flipping property, so their market is pretty good for the most part.

Holy shit I bought that for $10 a few months ago, tempted to sell desu.

Modchips yo.

I love that you can go to an anime/gaming con and drop 100 and come home with a big bundle of cool Japanese shit, if you try to buy older games released in english you're lucky to bring home 2 for that price

>he thinks people buy classic rare games to play them

why buy when you can emulate?

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this, only a fucking retard buys a """""rare""""" game to play it.

>visitng Japan
>found a nearly perfect condition Super Mario 64
>approximately $20 USD
They had like four copies at the store too. I am just keeping it as a keepsake because it's my favorite game of all time. Looks so nice.

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Yeah, if you're ognna buy a game just to own it just go with the Japanese version. Like 10% of the price and the boxart is usually way cooler

Where’d you go in Japan? Do you remember the store name?

It's been like that since 2009 you zoomer.

English Chrono Trigger $200
Jap Chrono Trigger = $15

Fucking THANK YOU. I can kind of understand wanting to build a collection, but emulation is just far too practical when it comes to actually playing retro video games. I know you can never truly replace the feeling of playing a game on the console it was made for, but that feeling isn't necessarily worth hundreds of dollars either.

Nah loose is like 120 for an authentic copy, complete like 300-350

>only a fucking retard buys a """""rare""""" game
You could have stopped here.

Are you talking about US cons? I mean, I guess if you're buying cheap merch or something. Good animu scales or plamo are still lots of money because of import markup in the US. I could probably only get 2 or 3 small figures, or 1 big scale, or like 2 gunpla kits for 100 bucks. That's not gonna go a long way.

The only system that you need hardware for is the xbox. No clue why no one can make a working Xbox emulator. Shits not cash. I wanna play mechassault without paying 200$

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You can't emulate an Xbox

AC has stuff like using multiple memory cards to visit towns and the GBA link for the island which just aren't the same on emu
However I do have a hacked Wii so might go that route

>Pay $100 to have a plastic rectangle on your shelf that serves as a conversation starter for the completely made-up group of people that would care about seeing a copy of Animal Crossing GC in 2020

isn't there a proprietary emulator?

GC is not retro

Yeah it's possible to do the gameboy link stuff with emulator too. I did it for the Tingle shit in Wind Waker. But it's clunky and you're right it's not the same cool feeling you get plugging a GBA into a Gamecube.

No. Dont emulate. Run Iso or roms through Everdrive instead. Use original hardware

all collecting is onions

None that I ever heard about and I've used Google search engine before. I'm practically an expert on the topic of Xbox emulation non-existence.

Are you on drugs? You can buy the game for $6 off eBay and original Xbox consoles can be found at thrift shops for like $20 max.

The only game that would cost that much would be Steel Battalion with the massive controller.

Collecting onions is for pirates to prevent scurvy. Weird user.

bullshit. I have 3 copies.

What thrift shop is open these days dude? I've been clean nosed for two months. My eyes are bright white.

A trustworthy refurbished Xbox is 200$, 170$ with memeflu discount.

Yeah, that's a good idea. I also got a SM64 DS game guide for novelty. Even though it's in Japanese that I can't read, its pretty clear what to do.

I don't remember, but it was in Shinjuku. It just showed up while exploring around and I went there like three times during the visit. Japan has some of the most fun shops I've ever been in. Wish we had more cool shops like those in the states.

E+ is better. It has public works projects, Nooks is open at night, the reset surveillance center among other things

>original Xbox consoles can be found at thrift shops for like $20 max.

Thrift stores have been shut down for the last month and a half dude.

2002 is 18 years ago. In 2010 you would have considered 1992 to be retro. Or are you one of those people who define retro as just sprite graphics?


>not having the same copy of animal crossing that you had as a kid
I think I have the memory card somewhere too.

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>only a fucking retard buys a game
There we go.

Obviously I mean pre-COVID you retards.

I don't really buy figures at cons since they're expensive and take up a lot of room in my bag that could be used for more liquor. I was mostly talking about buying Japanese games and guidebooks there, those are easy to find for pretty cheap and most of the ones I've been to have had great selections. That's where I got all my Falcom stuff back in the day

Some guy named Cuyler is translating Animal Crossing e+ to English

I bought my retro copy back in 2011 and it costed me 30 bucks

Talk about grasping at straws. Get with the times OLD. MAN.

Its really hard to make an argument for muh crts, muh low latency, muh accuracy, when you can emulate at 8k