>Game is based entirely around rng
Game is based entirely around rng
It's not though.
No it isn't
name 10 games that do this
yes, they are shit
so don't buy them
and don't play them
play demoncrawl
the fuck did that take 555 seconds?
Yes this happens every now and again, but for the most part it's easy to solve unless you're a brainlet.
you win by marking all the mines
so in a situation where you have two spots left, mark one and if that doesnt win you the game mark the other
>no it’s not
>oh wait it is sometimes
>just don’t be a brainlet lmao
fuck off
you obviously don't play minesweeper.
you win by opening all the squares without a mine.
not by marking the mines.
actual brainlet
If you knew how to play you wouldn't end up in this situation, you are supposed to start of with the hard corners so in case you find situation like this you can just reset the game and don't lose your time, or solve it and complete the entire thing.
not my game, just googled an example
>not checking all 4 corners first and restarting if you hit a mine
>playing through hard mode
>finally a good chapter 4 run
>get a Nightmare mod on the second-to-last stage with no change mod items in shops
I will never not be fucking furious.
>just kys first bro
use spy II or better. win games.
pic related
oh, wait nightmare is the one where you can't flag cells, forget me i'm retarded.
At my peak by best time was about 3 minutes for expert on ipad. I play on PC now and am out of pratice :/
"sometimes" is not "based entirely around"
>It’s not rng! You just have to restart until you get a good random layout! That’s not rng!
Spider Solitaire = Pinball > Minesweeper > Solitaire
Prove me wrong.
I got lucky and the first 'class' I unlocked was Spy. I hope they find some way to make any other class Spy-levels of good someday.
If you can manipulate the rng then is not longer an issue.
dude are you literally braindead? please think long and hard about what you just said.
I'm too dumb to learn how to play this fucking game.
I love it when minesweeper ends by the luck of a coin toss.
The number indicates how many mines are next to a square. Are you a mouthbreather or something?
While we're on this topic, reminder that Sudoku is the god-tier newspaper game.
Crossword niggers need not apply.
that's about as fast as I can get.
but it's still RNG which is the point he made, backpedal-kun
Id rather play chess.