


Attached: ltg.jpg (408x428, 25.13K)


Sounds like he's actually pro-trans here. He's literally encouraging people to have a sex change. Based LTG

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sound like he got butthurt he lost



How many times are you retards going to make the same thread?

>if you're not trans for attention you'd have gotten a sex change surgery by now
Ok, now this is based.

he is not wrong

i don't give a shit about either one of them but the idea of the alphabet crew hassling ltg for the rest of his life is hilarious.

ceroblast is an idiot for bringing attention to this. LTG is getting tons of donations and is sitting at 1.3k viewers rn. what a colossal backfire lmfao.

Why does the FGC make trannies seethe so much? Ironically, LTG calls him a faggot and he doesn't mention homophobia in his post.

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LTG is a black and somehow even more embarrassing DSP.

Actually hilarious that twitch hasn't banned him yet

>Getting roasted by LTG of all things
>This hurts me a lot, I actually need to stop streaming for a bit

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Based as usual

>160k people have seen it
RIP my nigga LTG. cancelled

you mean youtube? his twitch was perma suspended years ago


so are trannies > minorities on the social ladder?

Good idea streaming on youtube because youtube doesn't give a shit about streamers

>Canadian is also retarded and a faggot
who could have guessed

I wish he had actually followed through with playing Smash competitively. Imagine if he said this to a Nintentranny.

>All those whitecucks in the comments
>Literally apologizing because nobody said anything in the comments during the stream
How fucking pathetic do you have to be to act like this?

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well yeah it's been that way since the 70's

based until you realise this nigga ragequited because he was losing to a tranny


How is he wrong though? It seems like this tranny faggot is just upset that he called him out on it.

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Holy Based. I love LTG now.

Banning black people is racist.


Imagine being so bad at fighting games you have to literally come up with stuff to get mad about after ragequitting

I mean he's right. How are you going to call yourself a girl if you have a cock between your legs?

>toxic and problematic
imagine my shock

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I didn't even watch the video but why would anyone take lowtiergod of all people seriously
This is like making a call-out post on DSP or Chris-Chan

If you don't love LTG (Low Tier God), you're reddit.

Lmao, how retarded do you have to be to go up against a literal god
>If you about that life get that shit slit

he's not on twitch

They don't even call themselves a girl.

Based and everyone knows he's right, even all the pathetic fuckers virtue signalling on twatter know, split that dick mentally ill trannies

Shut up tranny

How are you going to call yourself Low Tier God if you're going to let just anyone body you?

>gets sweep kicked twice
>plays the tranny in the fighting game
a lot of mixed signals here

ltg is butthurt about losing to a tranny, but he isn't wrong by any means

"Dilate" anons all of a sudden in favor of SRS?

You guys are transparent as fuck

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he gained more viewers and money out of it lmao

>getting absolutely bodied by a tranny


>Yas Forums obsessing over niggers
>Yas Forums obsessing over trannies
Lol they've already won

i always forget hes a different version of dsp, and publicity helps them.

Lose some more games

Sounds like he wants to fuck tranny pussy

I'm liking LTG more and more as time goes by.

ltg, and you, dont know know enough about trannies to have a valid opinion of them.

Twink are objectively better than fake trans


>and somehow even more embarrassing DSP.

Should've called him for being a canadian or a shoto player, which are way more embarrassing than being a freak of nature

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Based Sopranos poster, I finally got around to watching it and it's a fucking masterpiece.

He's literally black dsp

So should they get SRS and be a real woman or is that bad now

they can never be a real woman

DSP is worse tho, DSP is literally bankrupt, spent 500k on a mobile game and is trying to sneak off those mobile microtransactions as "business expenses"

Then what exactly are you agreeing with LTG about

>So should they get SRS and be a real woman
real women don't have to worry about the hole between their legs closing up on them

lol the globohomo fag enablers who sold out the FGC to make it profitable can't band LTG from going to tournaments because he doesn't give a shit.

the only thing a tranny should get is a SGS

LTG is literally suggesting they get SRS to be more of a woman and you're agreeing with them, Yet they shouldn't get SRS?

Do zoomers actually have to go to school with and interact with trannies? So glad I didn't have to grow up with that shit.

Instead, they can keep winning games and you can ragequit.

People like this unironically exist

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a lot of trannies in this thread

the real reason Ceroblast is trying to call out LTG is that Sherry Jenix managed to successfully get Bushin cancelled and gained clout and attention in the process. He missed the fact that Sherry is a known figure and a real woman, and that LTG and Bushin are very different cases

>Waste of a human
lmaoooooooooooo, has he seen a mirror

>btfos fat thots
>btfos trannys
based ltg

Go to bed James

true horror

>Reminder Yas Forums got beat by Cosmo in smash
>Now they're defending ragequitting from losses

No wonder you guys don't like trannies, all they do is expose you for being bad at videogames

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>rage quit because of a low sweep
Why do people give this retard attention?



But LTG is completely right. What seems to be the problem here?

who cares, they'll be dead by 30 anyway

>closing up on them
That's not an actual thing that happens.

Not just other kids, teachers too. Countless rape coverups.

That's literal, unironic cope.


Who's worse? The trannies or these people?

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the body thinks its an open wound and tries to close up, google it mate