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>sappho and her friend

Why would anyone think they were anything else?

I don't know if they're gay or not, and I don't care either way, but people expecting relationships in Animal Crossing are the real idiots of this whole show.

For once, they have lost

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No idea. It's weird some people are so palpably desperate for Flick or other characters to be gay, in an E-rated Nintendo game. It's like Bert & Ernie, some are concerned about those puppets' sexuality.

>despite this, people on social media are still clamoring "NO THEY'RE GAY LALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU!"
What the fuck is wrong with people?
For all their whining about how homosexuality isn't a choice, they always seem pushy when it comes to making people gay for the sake of it.

It's only because Flick is cute and they want to fuck him.

Oh, like that will stop those fucks. AC can just lean into it to rake in the head canon like basically everything else that does it from Japan.

protip: fictional characters are not people and they become anything you write them to be

>thinking fujos care about canon

any fujo claiming to care about canon is just a tumblrite of questionable gender

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i imagine two faggots would live together and support eachother's career decisions, yes.
unless theres a blurb about how much CJ loves smashing octopussy i'm going to keep assuming the metrosexual soiboy streamer and the LITERAL bugchaser are both gaping assholed faggots

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Why is CJ a bear and not an otter?

Explain again how this is going to stop the slit fucking porn we so desperately deserve?

Isnt cj a beaver?

Just look at him. They're both turbo-faggots. Flick wears a fucking choker and CJ is an internet attention whore.

>LITERAL bugchaser
Holy fuck how did I not see this sooner

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>choker-wearing twink lizard bugchaser
I wonder

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God I hate CJ, I miss Chip.

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>fat ugly fuck that eats your fish right in front of your face and burps at you
Yeah no goddamn thanks, I'll take streamer faggot over disgusting dickhead any day.

Why was this deleted?

I'll take a genuine disgusting dickhead over a little attention whore any day.

i liked chip more but thats because CJ is so obnoxious. and considering that chip belches in your fucking face thats an acomplishment.
i like flick more though, he went from gay tumblr-bait artist boy to just some fucking dork after i saw him doing fucking katas with his net. all CJ's done is ask me if i want to make a fish-based fursona with him and make awful stream puns

Finally vindication at all you assmad Yas Forumsirgins who autistically sperged about the term partner meaning sexual partner and not business partner. Get fucked you absolute mongrel retards.

I dont know

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CJ is a cutie. Both him and Flick are upgrades.

>inverts their sizes
Why do people do this

Shit, I didn't either, what the fuck that's such an obvious one.

Man, they should have just rolled with it and made them gay.

It's a winning formula