
What's wrong with CRAPCOM?

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more plz

Why does Yas Forums have an exception on Julia Voths manjaw?

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Oy! That's a honker only muter would libe.


*throws stone at this monstruosity*

>uses the same pic again and again
Let's see this mutt in other angles , fag.

Legitely ugly

That ugly-ass mod is wrong

uglier than your mother

This is a joke, right?

Titfags are pathetic. What else is new?

post em
did this without shop items

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the shit face model of RE3R is new -_-

you people are fucking sick lmaoooo

that bad huh

No. your life is a joke.

No. Your mother is a joke.

You will marry a ugly woman, and be unhappy for the rest of your life.

bill valentine is disgusting even on your jerrypicks

Attached: Bill Valentine.png (659x618, 437.41K)

What now?
Still better than this abomination of a mod
i am not even bitching about Voth.OP mod is just still bad.

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yuck. bill valentine. stop posting this kind of image here, man. you gonna make me puke.

this game's still a colossal failure btw, this isn't even including people who bought and then refunded before the 2 hour period.

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La Goblina...

>i am not even bitching about Voth.OP mod is just still bad.

Not worse then the original work, aka RE3R.

>t: El marica

Holy kek what a shit thread.
One Vothfag samefaging with the same lame answers thinking this shitty mod is even equal to the REmake model.Try again when a decent Voth mod show up ok?

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>unironically adding a mod that just gives her a big nose and square jaw
fucking why? is this what the trannies on Yas Forums are attracted to?

It's a picture from the front you retard

Why are voth-fags so blinded by nostalgia that they ignore voths potato nose and manjaw?

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>Why does Yas Forums have an exception on Julia Voths manjaw?

Compare these two pictures, you moot's mother fucker. You can see the big chin man jaw in RE3R original. The OP picture with Voth Jill has a smaller chin with feminine jaw!!! you are blind!!! fuck!!! wear glasses! Voth > ALL

Wrong.Voth head look small for some reason.It totally crash with RE engine style.