Marvel’s Avengers Gameplay Footage
finally a game where you can play as the hulk, absolute kino
I thought that was Bob Saget
>forgetting hulk ultimate destruction
Why is everyone so fucking slow?
Looks like some bamham trash sadly. I hope co-op can save it but I guess this generation just needed it's own X-Men Legends or Ultimate Alliance.
Playing vidya is really no different than reading capeshit books that are fun or have a decent story. Now watching the shitty movies is another thing entirely.
looks railyroady as fuck
An Ultimate Alliance game came out last year and it was great
Looks dull. Not sure why I expected otherwise
Sorry not buying it if the profit goes to Disney. They ruin everything.
This looks absolutely terrible on every level. Not only are the individual character designs terrible in a milquetoast Chinese knock-off sort of way, but the actual gameplay looks like shitty cinematic corridors of boring press "A" for awesome combat . Nothing about this inspires confidence. I wouldn't even pirate this game.
kys capeshit shill
>Not only are the individual character designs terrible in a milquetoast Chinese knock-off sort of way
I love how the Hulk looks mildly annoyed more than angry or enraged. He just looks like a big green dork.
that "roar" he did after jumping out was weak as hell
You could practically hear the Disney execs telling the designers not to make him too "scary" for the kids.
Sad truth
I was hoping corona would fuck them over a bit but they're just postponing all their garbage to november or using D+ and normalfags gladly shell out money for it.
How is Thor not one-shotting everyone? They're just regular ass dudes in body armor.
It doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would be but why does everything look so slow and sluggish?
It's a soulless button-masher. The vibe I get is like all of those shitty tie-in games from the 360's launch. You know, the games from major franchises with basic gameplay and boring design that every movie studio showed off around the same time?
I assume because he's holding back to incapacitate them rather than turn them into paste. They're still people and Thor isn't a homicidal maniac. This isn't a DC Batman movie.
>implying he was alive when that came out
There was a lot of potential here but it just looks so slow and boring.
Zoomer alert
Vidya is a better medium for capeshit than movies imo because at least you can ignore the generic story.
Why is Thor so weak
>Not only are the individual character designs terrible in a milquetoast Chinese knock-off sort of way
They look like parents dressing up in costumes for their kids's birthday parties or something.
I can see why they got cold feet after seeing Anthem's reception.
That Hulk roar was hilariously bad. There was no volume or effort put into that at all. Also look how fucking slow he moves. But I guess everybody in this game does.
>AAA live service capeshit crapola
Nah lol
There's good linear, and there's bad linear, and this is definitely the latter.
The combat looks painfully slow and contrived. Also that Black Widow looks terrible
Pretty sure it's just supposed to be one of those shitty games that parents see on the shelf at the store and get it for their kids for Christmas or something
Why would they shill it on an 18+ site...?
Captain America literally looks like Chuck from across the street dug through his closet for cargo pants and hockey pads.
This looks more like a movie than a game. Hard pass.
The AI is complete garbage. Difficulty on that needs to be at least 2-3 magnitudes higher for it to not look like a joke musou game but without any of its charm.