What 40K game is the best and what is the best Chapter?

What 40K game is the best and what is the best Chapter?

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dawn of war and dawn of war 2

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dawn of war
>pic related

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>mary sue chapter is the best
what a dogshit post

Space Marine.

And competitively, Iron Hands are the most powerful Marines faction at the moment.

Weird way to spell grey knights

Best 40k game was the original Dawn of War. Chapter Master had all the potential in the world, but alas.

The GOAT chapter of all time are the Blood Angels or the Lamenters.

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Swap Iron hands with Dark Angels. Swap Salamanders with White Scars. Swap IF with RG Then the list is accurate.

>Not based
What is the matter friend? Do you not like Friendship?

They are based. But White Scars are also based and less cringe. Space Wolves and Blood Angels are spot on. The one I have the biggest problem with is thinking that Dark Angels are chads.

I mean, it's a graph, you don't need to have two in each corner.

Mechanicus got good music

Of the recent games. Gladius is not bad, would be a lot of fun with friends. Space Hulk : Death Wing is a pretty big disappointment, but it is good as an atmospheric terminator simulator, single player experience. I hear Mechanicus was pretty great, but very short. Space Hulk Tactics is alright. It's just a less interesting X-com with a 40k skin.

FPBP my mother fuckin nigga.

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Dawn of War: Dark Crusade
Iron Warriors

best chapter is Grey Knights

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>"For those we cherish, we die in glory."
The Imperium never deserved true heroes like them.

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>Iron Warriors

>mary sue
epic 1d4chan joke have some gold kind stranger!


Dawn of War
Evil Sunz

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inquisitor was fun
Imperial Fists
Iron Within, Iron Without

Are you confusing the Iron Warriors with the Imperial Fists?

Crimson Fists are the best chapter, DoW1 is the best 40k game. Youll often find Crimson Fists knee deep in Ork guts or making a valiant last stand against insurmountable odds. After taking massive losses on their homeworld they were reduced to 128 members total, little more then a company, and in memory field a 1st company of that size.

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its 40k bait user

I was hoping i could bait out some angry (You)s from some IF or IW fags but i guess I'm not trying hard enough

IF and IW fags tend to be chill dudes

Dawn of War is the only great 40k game. Death wing is still fun though. Everything else is bad though.

They need to make a joint op space marine game.
Raven Guard stealth ops.
White Scars bike raids.
Imperial Fist horde defense.

>what 40k game is the best
Dawn of War. From newer games I would say Mechanicus.
>what is the best Chapter

Sounds like a perfect recipe for disaster

Dawn of war ultimate apocalypse mod
Emperors Children or Thousand Sons

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Truly based

WFB > W40K > AoS

nice crib dawg