With all these remakes when will we get his?

With all these remakes when will we get his?

Attached: MGS1_Snake.octet-stream.png (403x739, 242.66K)

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I don't know bro all of these remakes are just making me wish that they never bothered.

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we did

Attached: Metal_Gear_Solid_The_Twin_Snakes_(NA).jpg (640x908, 107.73K)

IF its happening, then soon....Probably in this decade

MG1 and 2 should take priority retard

Given the success of RE2 and FF7, it feels like it should be inevitable, but who knows with Konami.

you can't remake a game twice, besides, MGS is dead

This because

It could be kino in the FOX engine, but with Kojima out of the company MGS main games are probably dead.

You’ll get your pachinko machines and mobile ports and that’s ir

explain why fox engine is so good.

fucking garbage

I don't know anything about it from a technical perspective. MGS V looks and plays great, so having that in a smaller scale game with more intricate level design would be amazing, is all I was trying to say.

Imagine if they remade Metal Gear 1 and 2 in the Fox engine... That'd be so cummy

When Konami sells to Sony.

does it look great? I can find a lot of games that look better

A lot of games look better but few games look as good as MGSV while also running also well. FOX engine is extremely scalable and it has all of these functions and mechanics just waiting for a good game to be put into. So much wasted potential.

i wish death stranding had mgsv gameplay, it would be so much fucking better.

There actually was a fanmade remake in the works called the Shadow Moses Project. Got so far as to get David Hayter on board. Konami got word and they had to backtrack and claim that it was just a virtual museum. I don't think it ever got released.

>smaller scale

this. that mission where they put the camera nice and tight over the shoulder during the virus outbreak on mother base was incredible. i wished for more of that.

oh so a game with levels like re2 would look nuts then?

Hopefully never. Either Kojima won't be allowed to touch it, and it'll be filled with micro-transactions and DLC, or he will be allowed to touch it, and it'll be 5x longer with celebrities replacing all existing VAs.

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The fact that the game runs at 120 fps while my fans barely move and my gpu stays at around 55-60 degrees, on a really average PC is nice, MGSV for all its faults is INCREDIBLY well optimized on PC

Never. You'll get a pinball game and you'll like it.

This. I want to play as Snake in his prime.


But how could you really, the games are far too simple to be remade in any real way.
MG 1 is just 3 small buildings and that's it

Good thing you already can! Wow.

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I think we have ruined and basedfied enough games already.

Has a game ever been remade twice? Like significantly remade not Street Fighter 2/turbo/Championship etc like

Never has, and it never ever will

Dragon Quest V was remade for PS2, and then again for DS.

Not sure if Resident Evil Deadly Silence and REmake count.