How do we solve TORtanicposting?

How do we solve TORtanicposting?

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This thread is gonna fail!
OP BTFO seethe cringe cope


You accept Yas Forums is a garbage website full of bitter and jaded people who can only find joy in failure.

newfag here what is TORtanic seen it posted here a a few times


Literally google it newfag.

So......white people?

The Old Republic, a star wars themed MMO, was such a shit overhyped trashfest that it caused the board to impode. That's basically it.

It was the first instance where Yas Forums wanted a game to fail and it actually failed. Nowadays its actually doing well because of the F2P model (it used to be paid)

You can't stop it. Yas Forums is now a hive mind of board culture that will artificially inflate and subsequently trash every single new game that comes out before it launches and for a few weeks after it's been out, then they'll move to the next.

TORposting has gone on for 9 years.
9 yesrs.
It's not stopping, even more so since we have a wave of newfags who come in every year and think we need to be negative 24/7 and constantly shitpost.

Just ignore them like their parents ignored and neglected them. Those losers aren't your problem. You can make your own decisions, form your own opinions can't you? You're not literally a monkey see monkey do retard npc are you?

Accusing people of being a tortanic fag is just an attempt to stifle criticism. Anyone who uses this term is shilling. Unless someone is explicitly stating that they want a game to fail for no reason then calling them a tortanic fag is unjustified.

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SEETHING Tortanicfag.

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We don't, fuck videogames. Can't wait to see the entire western industry collapse

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You solve it by being a big boy. Stop assuming every bit of criticism means someone is praying to god a game will crash and burn along with all the families of the people that worked on it. People are allowed to share their opinions on videogames here, that’s what the board is for. Not this shit, you shill apologist cuck puppet apologist.

Accusing people of being shills is an attempt to stifle discussion.

It's the Yas Forums version of calling somebody a Hater. Literally just droneposting.

>not everyone's a tortanicfag!
>but you are a shill for sure cause reasons

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stop browsing here unironically, when you've cracked the code that Yas Forums is just a meeting place for cynical shutins that don't know what they're talking about it's time to move on, this website has nothing left for you

wait so why are you here then?

the real cancer is when a game is actually shit and calling it what it is only gets vet with getting called a bandwagoner

he hasn't cracked the code

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Anyone who is espousing a perspective without evidence or rationale is stifling the discussion. Accusing people of only being a tortanic fag is just the opposite side of the coin that calls someone a shill. The difference is when someone is accused of being a shill it's because they're not explaining why the game is good. Calling them a shill is justified. The people who have been using the term tortanic fag as an insult have been lobbing it towards people with legitimate criticism of the games they're talking about. This is unjustified.

Recognize the difference. The problem is people acting like their opinion is correct without backing it up. There's no shortage of people willing to tell you exactly why they don't like a game, so the insult tortanic fag is made of thin air.

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can't quit it


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I wish I could have been here before TORtanic happen to see what the board was like then

It was making a large amount of profit, at least a while back. The game is relevant to still be adding new content, hiring voice actors for more stuff, etc. It's really funny since I came here in 2011 and the TORtanic was my first big cultural thing with this board and the site. Knowing the game is still smoothly sailing and isn't going anywhere anytime soon and is the last remnant of pre-Disney lore is pretty nice not gonna lie.

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>calling blind fanboyism shilling is justified
I mean okay
>calling blind shitposting is an insult
nigga what?

>TFW wanting quality in a game means that you’re tortanicposting to zoomers

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delete Yas Forums, or make shit posting punishable by death, alternatively you'd need to get everyone else to ignore shitposting and TORtanic threads, but good fucking luck with that.

If you close your eyes and plug your ears the problems will never go away
Except in this case, hide all TORtanic threads, ignore all TORtanic posters

>oh you don't like the game? well explain why

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The only solution is the one Yas Forums would screech about the most.
Board's FUBAR.

It’s actually insane, it’s such a childlike mentality

Wow I didn’t know that was every game discussion ever on here
Here let me try making some generalizations too since im so intelligent
>*explains multiple points in detail*

There was more of "this game is shit, and here is why youre a faggot for liking it" as opposed to "This game is going to fail because it is shit", or "This game is going to fail because its shit, look at these numbers bros oh no no no!"

tortanic fags don't care about quality, most of them even play video games and just want things to fail because they are failures irl

Well shit I guess most of you are NPCs programmed by the poopoo namnyboogers flicked at you from the noses of trolls..sad.

i wish this fucking game tortaniced already

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yo momma sucked my dick last night kiddo

Don't bother responding if you're going to intentionally misinterpret what my words say.

buddy, most shitposters don't even play the games they complain or even cared. It's a sophisticated form of baiting

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I fucked your dad in his boy cunny

Stop contrarians first.
Tortanic shit is a symptom of unchecked contrarianism

People blame the Tortanic for being the start of Yas Forums wanting games to be big spectacle failures but honestly I think it's just something in Yas Forums's DNA. It can be traced back as far as "PS3 has no games", moderate opinions aren't controversial so only the extremes get constant replies and pushed to the front page.

that fag is all over /vg/ and this board. what a loser

big brain user.

Dismissing someone's opinion for being contrarian is the same as thinking your opinion is correct because it's shared by other people, and mistakenly believing that nobody can disagree so therefore it's prudent to ignore them

It's the most ignorant stance to take.
>you're wrong because you disagree with me
That's not an argument.

Yeah but nobody even gives a shit abut him since everyone knew he doesn't play MH games.

Fun fact: he's the same guy as the one spamming all the Epic Store copypasta threads because one time he accidentally uploaded the wrong image (One of the tim sweeney pics used for all the copypasta thread, same filename too) on one of his MH shitposts and he immediately deleted it

contrarians are dismissed because they're ego driven retards who take up unpopular opinions for attention, it has little to do with whether they believe them to be right or wrong

You assume contrarians present arguments. They dont. They do it for the sake of looking different.

Surely having "intellectual debates" with fans of the series for hours on end on a public bathroom pee pee poo poo stinky forum will cause the developers, who are running the money printing machine on full blast to shift gears and focus the direction of their project to a niche group of "hardcore gamer" autists with higher standards than the hundreds of thousands of people who will buy things in their place for adding fun dumb shit for normalfags. That even if you quit forever, and resisted ever buying anything related to them again, literally nobody fucking ever would notice or have any reason to care about your opinion because you're absolutely nobody. Thanks. I fucking love seeing this garbage leveraging discussion around itself while I'm trying to talk about video games I enjoy. You surely aren't just as much of a stain on this site as the incredibly minor problems that have turned you into a vehement anti-fan are in your autistic, narcissistic and neurotic brain.

Here's a thought, you don't like the direction that fucking who gives a fuck series is going. Kill yourself on live stream and tag pokemon releasing a floating cone of ice cream or whatever as the reason why.

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>game isn't even out yet
>single trailer that doesn't show any gameplay
>"fucking this game sucks its gonna fail so bad just watch it fucking bomb"
ahh yes, justified criticism

calling every new game the worst game ever and accusing anybody that likes them of being shills is gay as hell
not being able to accept harsh criticism of games you enjoy and calling anybody that criticizes them a contrarian TORtanicer is also gay as hell even if they exaggerate a bit

overall just don't take every single fucking thing you see on a malaysian paper folding forum seriously
just hide and ignore any post that is clearly 100% shitposting

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TORtanicposting="someone doesn't like a new game"

one way to fix this is to make stringent rules regarding contrarians in an attempt to force them out
if that doesn't work we could try to get other boards to take them en masse
the final solution i could think of if that too fails is that we make containment boards where that their IPs get automatically redirected to. The trick will be that speaking is banned there and as soon as they say a word they'll be perma-banned
Honestly, structuring all of this would be a struggle.

Shilling= "someone likes a new game"