Redpill me, is this game worth playing in 2020?
Redpill me, is this game worth playing in 2020?
Lol no. Just read Roadside Picnic.
Yes, download some mods - Very good game.
> PC game
> Made before 2007
> Isn't Deus Ex
No, all garbage
fpbp and /thread
If it's a good game why should i install mods for it?
Do read this book. I did and it's good. The only problem is that it leaves you wanting more and the games can deliver you more.
I dunno, but a face like that on the cover sure don't fly in 2020 anymore, that much I can say.
Intel HD graphics here, will it work?
I loved the Chernobyl mission in COD4, is this game similar to that in terms of atmosphere?
Lol, no.
Yeah, it's pretty good. Play it vanilla first though and ALWAYS play on master difficulty.
Chernobyl and being a fps, those are pretty much the only the thinga these games have in common. And maybe some weapons. But the atmosphere and how you play is entirely different.
the film is 100x better than the book, the book is some fucking geeky star-trek level sci-fi shit. the film is the single greatest work of art in the history of man
It's a good game but it's not zoomzoom accessible.
I tolerated Persona 1 & Persona 2's gameplay, surely this isn't more outdated than those
> the book is some fucking geeky star-trek level sci-fi shit
It really isn't. The closest it gets to dorky Sci Fi is a single conversation between two side characters.
play call of pripyat then soc with mods.
Yes. This and Call of Pripyat is a great time.
good > mods > better
don't hurt yourself little guy
Yeah, it's pretty good. Much shorter than you'd think, and the side-missions (apart from the arena) are all pretty wank and not worth your time.
So there's maybe 12 maps, maybe 4 of which you visit more than once, a couple of tiers of gear and a whole lot of map interactions you're never going to notice unless you dick around an empty, cleared map for a long while looking for worthless caches.
It's reasonably paced, punchy, ends with an utterly bizarre ending sequence that makes you wonder when the game is going to fucking end, and is carried hard by the atmosphere/aesthetics in those moments where the firefights aren't doing it for you.
Clear Sky is a bit of a clusterfuck sandboxy thing but Call of Pripyat is fine too.
>Play it vanilla first
never do this.
Always make sure to install the best mods to improve the game as much as possible.
play vanilla first
Why? The vanilla game isn't bad at all. Only problem is stealth being nonexistent and the 100 Rads Bar being hell because of repeating sound clips.
t. Plebs filtered by the car park.
vanilla is fine retard. i completed soc the first time a month ago with no mods and had no problem.
>Always make sure to install the best mods
Huh. Most mods are either borderline total-conversions, hardcore-based mods that are going to stonewall anyone who doesn't know the mechanics in advance, or "add a bunch of shit nobody asked for" mods that just dump a fucktonne of weapons into the game.
Or shaders/texture packs. Either way who really gives a fuck, none of it is just a straight upgrade, I wouldn't call any of them "required".
you might want to download a fan patch called ZRP, which fixes the few dozen bugs that the devs left in the game.
anyone who's suggesting mods for your first playthrough is either talking about one of Shadow of Chernobyl's sequels, or they're baiting. There are no good mods for the first Stalker game. the only things I'd recommend is keep in mind that Shadow of Chernobyl's firearm realism is only surface level.
weapon and armor progression is sheer. your first pistol hits like a paper airplane and late game armor eats bullets from midgame weapons like cheerios.
another, really important thing to remember is that you should always fire in short, controlled bursts. Always. even when the bad guy is right in front of you, because there's a fucky mechanic called "time_to_aim". the short of it is that the longer you fire without stopping, the less damage each new bullet will do. you can unload a full magazine into a guys head at point blank range and do fuck all damage because of this.
play on veteran and always aim for the head. it's a great game, and worth a look, at the very least
I think it's worth playing with fixes, not mods, you don't want to fuck with the difficulty and damage scaling but the cheeky breekys pushed out broken game. One of my favourite game series though, gg
I beat the first and third Stalkers and actually prefered the original Metro a lot more. Stalker is stuck between inventory management and shooting and unless you seriously devote yourself to that type of game it's super tedious. You waste heaps of time on inventory management when you should be continuing the story, I wasted ages carrying my shit between locations. Metro is better because equipment is still scare but is contained. You still need to make choices about when to shoot and what to shoot with without all the tedious inventory management. Stalker really falls down just because it's half way between an inventory management game, meaning that both sides of the game are held back by the other. If you like inventory management go play a game where it actually contributes to moving the story along. If you like survival shooters play a game where you don't have to waste hours just delivering your shit from one map to the other.
Even worse this guy just reminded me of all the weird shooting mechanics. Don'e be surprised when you unload your AK into someone's face at point-blank range on the highest difficulty and they don't die.
It's worse
Imagine fallout with 10 times more glitches
metro makes the last of us look like devil may cry. Stalker actually lets you play the fucking game instead of force feeding you cutscenes, set pieces and walking sim sequences, not to mention half the fights in metro are against the same mutant dogs over and over.
there's a reason why people recomment to play it with 300 mods each time there's a thread