It wasn't that bad

It just wasn't very good either.

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Something about the tone of Tales games just puts me off. Certain entries get shat on but they all seem like "the bad one" to me.

I replayed Zestiria recently and it's actually not as bad as I remembered it being. I still detest Berseria though.

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What a shit samey artstyle, the only one who looks any unique is the guy on the right, all the others are interchangeable hairstyles and clothes

I tried so hard to Like Berseria since everyone claimed it was good. But what an awful cast .

I think you have to really like anime to like the games. They're extremely tropey.

The homos were cute and that's all that mattered

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This entire series just went downhill after vesperia, you have jrpgs like Final Fantasy and xenoblade that atleast put the effort into making good level deisgn and dungeons that look amazing but you have tales that for some reason keeps regressing in every department. Lame graphics with boring levels and gameplay that keeps getting worse after graces.

There is nothing redeeming, personally, about Berseria. I don't think I'll ever change my mind about that. The fact that I get more enjoyment playing Tempest over Berseria speaks volumes.

There's a couple of titles after Vesperia that are pretty solid. You are right though, there is a huge decline in quality after that title.

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Xillia 2 was alright but even that game was a shameless cashgrab that was 80% reused content. At least it had good content though.

Berseria I remember liking the characters but I don’t even remember anything about the game. Guess it just didnt leave a good impression to me

I honestly still haven't finished Vesperia because it was really boring

Every game post Vesperia dropped the overworld too. I kind of expected it when it came to Graces, but the fact that Xillia didn't have it was a instant red flag.

I enjoyed the the first Xillia a lot more; Xillia 2 was decent. The first part was a slog and all the reused assets were a little much. I preferred Jude over Ludger by a mile.

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I liked it while recognizing it as flawed. The lore was cool and I was Tales starved since I hadn't played one since abyss.

And the worst tales game is Zestiria.

Something about the game really bothered me, the first 10%-20 of the game and the remaining 80-90% felt like different games, like the story was rewritten partway into development.

There were things i liked about it, but it was clearly a game that needed another 2 years in development.

Based legendia user

I try my best.

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I tried a bit of phantasia, zestiria, and innocence. None seemed very enjoyable.

But I do really like anime.

I would try Abyss or Symphonia at the very least and if you don't find them enjoyable you can write off the series.

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The ones you've tried are old, bad, and kinda weird, in that order.
As the other guy said, the team symphonia trilogy (Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia) are the certified babbys first Tales games, if not those, I guess you could possibly try one of the CC based games, namely graces f, but if you don't care for any of those this series probably won't have anything for you.

>you have jrpgs like Final Fantasy that atleast put the effort into making good level deisgn and dungeons
FF7R is a corridor simulator, tf you mean good level design and dungeons?

The beginning of the game is really good and it goes downhill really fast

is this the reason?

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thats why the japs freaked out, most people in the west just parroted 'its shit' without playing it, its honestly not a bad game, but i also think the tales of fanbase in general has really shit taste when they regard tales of the abyss as anything other than abysmal

Abyss has like the best battle system and boss fights though.

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>Complains about shit taste when exposing his own

you literally spam 2 moves all game, the boss fights sucked and the only redeeming quality the game has is the ost

Cliche. The word you're looking for is cliche.

Yeah, I just can't agree with this. Abyss might not be perfect by any means, but its foundation as a whole is solid and it's worthy enough to be considered one of the classics in the series.

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it has no foundation though, it was a downgrade from symphony in every possible aspect

Agree to disagree then. No point in squabbling.

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Berseria actually might have the worst main cast of any JRPG I've ever played, which is an impressive failure.

if i can fix your shit taste and save your soul then there is always a point

Weird, I thought the exact opposite. There wasn't a single party member I actually disliked for once.

>when they regard tales of the abyss as anything other than abysmal
Opinion discarded.
I played Zestiria, then I grinded out all the necessary bullshit to get double and triple stacks and did a NG+ run on chaos mode while getting every single good skill on every party member.

Zestiria is one of the worst Tales games, period.

Tell me your favourite Tales games.

here are mine:
Xillia 2

If I consider Legendia the best and I'm aware the amount of flack this title takes then you have no chance on my secondary favourites. I'll let my soul fade for my personal enjoyment.

Agree. I have no idea what people are thinking when they have to grasp at Berseria having the "best" cast. Boggles my brain.

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I think it's safe to say how you feel about this game can be represented as to who you prefer more: Alisha or Rose

Alisha representing the first couple hours of the game and Rose representing the next 20 +


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Will they ever bring the old battle system with TP back?

All the tales games that use the combo-based system are garbage (Berseria, Zestiria, Graces)