FF7 Remake 10/10

Isn't it interesting the vocal minority is getting drowned out by people who actually played and enjoyed the damn game?

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There has never been a single good FF game. This is not my opinion, but a proven, scientific fact.

Isn't it interesting how your taste is shit?

Watch out, we've got a Devil May Cry fan in here

I'd love to hear how/why

>XI in D tier
>XV in B tier
Clearly whoever made this list has shit taste

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XIII is unironically the worst game ive ever played

Yikes, imp-lying

You mean legitimate people got tired of getting shitposted in circles after a week. The shills were paid for a month of work are now spreading their shit uncontested.

here's why:

That's some terrible tier making there.

Gameplay is pretty good. Too bad they somehow managed to screw up a story that was literally already written for them. That's a level of incompetence that's hard to fathom.

XI is dogshit and totally obsolete and not worth playing today.

Hey now that guy is dumb as a sack of bricks but DMC 1, 3, 4 and 5 were fun as fuck.

I mean...it's kind of hard not to screw up a story as nonsensical as Final Fantasy stories tend to be. I'm a diehard VII fan but even I can look at the story and wonder how many drugs they were on writing it.
The character relationships and interactions were what made VII so amazing, not the story.

>planning to beat all FF
>in the middle of FF1
>see FF2 is on D tier
Is it really that bad?

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Why are there people on Yas Forums who think popular opinion determines quality? It's okay if you're not able to think for yourself, just don't try to drag us down with you. Pic related might be more your speed while we talk this out.

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I think most people loved the game but hated the ending, which was a giant fuck you to the fans.

Clearly you're an underage faggot who never even played the game. It has multiple expansions worth of story that tops most of that list, fun and versatile job system, the best Blue Mage and Red Mage classes out of any Final Fantasy game. You're a third world, anti-social porch monkey and you should headbutt a bullet.

>VI and IX not in S tier

You have brought great shame to your family.

Still, that doesn't change that it's worsened. Some things can be forgiven because they had to give the first game in the trilogy more of its own arc, but other changes are weird crazy shit that can't be defended.

Worst game in the series

I'll admit, went into the game with negative expectations but it won me over once I got to Wall Market.
Had a fun ass time, about to jump into ng+ this weekend.

Nope. YouTube zoomers are butthurt about the leveling system so that means the entire game is bad to them

FF2 is basically just an improved version of the first one. People think more highly of the first one just because it's was the first one.

from IV - X are pretty much great rpgs.

I, IV, VI, VII, VIII, X are all based

what happened to the lvling system?
What improved on it? only the adition of MP?

How was it worsened? The original story involved a bunch of people including a giant stuffed robot toy, a talking dog, a loli ninja princess, and a vampire/frankenstein/devil/warewolf man all joining forces to stop a guy frozen in ice in Antarctica.
I do not believe you could really...improve on that kind of a story.

people defend the ending.

I get how fans could hate the ending, I really do. I have to admit even seeing the second to last boss I was wondering why the fuck Kingdom Hearts was a boss in the game.
So I get it.
That does not change the fact, however, that I'm more than eager to dive into a new adventure with the characters I adore because, when you get right down to it, the original story was nonsensical and silly. Extremely silly. I'm expecting just as much of a silly story this time around. All I care about is the character relationships and interactions. That is what drove FFVII into a masterpiece.

Give some characters the ability to see the future and I'm sure you can make it worse.
Also, what you've done to make the setting sound absurd can be done with basically any piece of fiction. It's just cherrypicking.

It was exchanged in place of a system that upgrades each individual skill as it's used (attacking during battle increases the percentage rate over time, using black magic increases the effectiveness of black magic etc.)

>That tier list.

Holy shit, that's some good bait.

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That's only a few reviews! The opinion of the majority decides what is actually good.

>XV in anything but D
shit list

I mean it's not really cherry picking. The plot of the original game was a group of eco terrorists that have to save the world from a supervillain that is bent on destroying the world.
The character interactions are what drove that game, not the "amazing story".
It's just like this game. They knocked it out of the park with the character relationshps and interactions. That's the reason FFVIII and IX are not as popular: The characters are much weaker in those two games.

>I do not believe you could really...improve on that kind of a story.
Yeah, but you can make it worse by adding time travelling ghosts and alternate timelines everywhere.

>When your friend sets you up on a dinner date with a woman named Carla, who turns out to be 'reimagined woman" once named Carl, doesn't mean you just shrug and look at the menu

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It's pretty bad, but still worth having a look at and dumping whenever you get sick of it.