Why is he so angry?

Why is he so angry?

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He doesn't have sex

some smartass killed his rabbit.
literally that's it.


he's literally calm all game

Because it was a dumb meme that the devs fan serviced in the game



He bought a ps3 and he can’t play it since it has no games.

>Samuel Hayden tells him to carefully disassemble something he needs to remove immediately
>Khan Maykr tells him he can't do a thing, then flips out that he's about to do the thing because she was actually just grandstanding and bit off more than she could chew
Everyone around Doomguy is retarded and I'd be angry about it too.

He still havent got used to
>tfw no bunny

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dude irony xD

You don't fuck with a man's pet rabbit

what in gods green earth are you babbling about schizo?

His earth is fucked and his rabbit is dead

>Go to Hayden's lab
>Audio files of some chick saying the cringiest, gayest shit about Doomguy being Earth's savior
I'd be mad too. This is what people think about me? Gay as fuck I just want to kill demons.


Imagine being a bunch of nerds who refused to make a decent story and just shoved funny jokes that would become memes 20 years later.

What you are not?

There's still no good Khan Makyr rule 34

I hate that nu-doom has an interesting story and someone was like LMAO WHAT IF WE PUT A BUNCH A FUCKIN MEMES IN THERE HERE WE GOOOOOOO RIP AND TEAAAAAAAR

This is the Yas Forums equivalent of the söysmile.

What specifically are you referring to?

Would you not be at least a little peeved if demons slaughtered your pet rabbit along with everyone you know and love?

Wasn't the DOOMGUY SO BADASS meme literally invented by a Yas Forums post in like 2008 when someone measured out how fast he could run and shit?

It's pretty fucking cringe to see the DOOM character become a literal canon Yas Forums copypasta

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he doesn't like it

it's fun

No it’s part of the series since the first game where you killed boards of demons along to heavy metal music

Why is he so angry?

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Does nuDoom have a comfy story about Mars and corporations and evil ruins or is it just lots of cool guy battle time?

because a shit company ruined his backstory and turned him into a retarded anger golem super powerful god man instead of a normal guy whos friends all died in episode 1 and his home town and pet got assraped in doom 2

no the lore is absolute horse shit, ancient aliens have been using human souls for energy and call themselves gods but they need demons to process it. and also need night setinals for some reason

only Doom 3 took place on Mars you zoomie bitch

because he is in a dogshit game

Nigger, did you read the Doom 1 and 2 text screens?
They were written in that same vein.

you mad you got called out on your cringe?

he has herpes

Doom 2016 takes place in Mars and Hell, retard.


Bro... please...

Why is the rabbit lurking in all the doom eternal stages then?

uh no it doesn't, idiot

Doom 2016 is pretty much that, Eternal introduces not-angels and more backstory to Doomguy's origins.

>itt, a group of 17 year olds pretend they played doom
they killed his rabbit

Nigger, what planet do you think it takes place in?
They mention multiple times that it is Mars.
Hell, you even go to Mars in Eternal in one level.

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>editing wiki text
you are pathetic, user

because Bethesda bought out ID and now the soulless husk of a company shits out soulless doom games. I would be angry too if I where doom guy.

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