Why can't Western studios give us pretty characters like this?

What is going on?

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Have sex you fucking incel

>ehtics department tifa

Nice try sjw

t. Naughty Dog emloyee kys

They need to be ugly now.

Because pretty women trigger the FUCK out of white women, so they have to get rid of any and all attractive women who look better than them.
Even the ones that don't actually exist.

Why are they promoting Asian girls?

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>this is an NPC in FFVIIR and looks better than 99% of female lead characters in Western games made in the last 5 years

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because Japs gonna Jap? problem with that?

>Based Department...
yes, the post is right here


This, it's pretty bad at how obvious it is at this point. I mean forget skimpy clothing they won't even give female characters a pretty FACE and they all need to look perpetually pissed off

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>still better than 90% of the shit that comes out of triple a studios these days
that doesn't disprove OP's point

>Have sex


>that webm
>literal mental illness

As noted in , it's largely because western (white) women hate seeing attractive women.
It's so bad that they even make literal little girls as ugly as possible.
Meanwhile, when a Jap woman designs a female character...

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>why are asians putting asians in their games
I love how mad fags get, that they NEED their childhood headcanon to be a white woman or not at all.

Why do anime trannies claim all western games are shit from a gameplay perspective while simultaneously demanding they pander to them with waifus?

Abe sama

well yeah, the character is an actual schizo

This is not what gamers want

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I fucking despise how true this is

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nezuko needs a hug

Why do regular trannies claim that anime trannies claim all western games are shit from a gameplay perspective while simultaneously demanding they pander to them with waifus?

standard anglo colonialism and all that jazz


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She was such a cutie in 4, they just had to hit her with the ugly stick


all i read from coomers on Yas Forums is "western games are shit, nihon is so superior" and then they turn around and cry about how those games dont pander to them as though they were going to buy them in the first place

they're LITERALLY sjws in that regard

She needs some sunlight, she's pale as fuck.

ok coomer

sjws are the people who try to ruin games by censoring.

well, i mean, she hides and sleeps in a box all day, so what were you expecting, a tan kogal?

>He hasn't read the manga
You're in for a surprise, m8.

Nerd social fallacies

I'd say it's largely just overly serious creatives feeling that they need things to be 'gritty' in order to be taken seriously.

>no spoilers faggot

im referring to the demanding changes in products you were never going to spend money on to begin with

>implying they aren't jews, agps, blacks, or hispanics

Because Karen in HR and on the ethics committee.

Overwatch, Rise of the Tomb Raider Lara, Cassie Cage, And RDR2 ?

>why does a Japanese game have Japanese characters?

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>Why can't Western studios give us pretty characters like this?

Because leftists have developed some kind of pseudo religious belief that the female body is something sacred and that if you make some kind of imagery that shows the female form in its prime form, you are a bad person.

Left wing politics is literally getting more and more retarded by the minute. I mean, if you're a left winger and you're reading this post, you might as well convert to any abrahamic religion.

Only potato nosed uggos for you biggot!
When will Westcuck developers understand that we don't care about some 'message' they like to bring to the player or make the characters look more 'human' (aka ugly like the roasties in charge)
The propaganda is so obvious at this point

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>Rise of the Tomb Raider Lara
>better than remake tifa

>I don't wanna live on this planet anymore...

Compared to most western lolis?
Especially the ones designed by women?
Yes, she's vastly superior.

Finally a new and fresh topic!

What, did you forget games like spiderman ps4 exists?

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Ahh yes, because black and Hispanic women sure are known for whining about the "sexualization of women" and complaining about fictional women being too hot/sexy.
They must be doing it in between spending all that time fucking like rabbits and shaking their asses in clubs.

Westcuck gaming anno 2020
God forbid one of them would look somewhat good. The message of pure love wouldn't come across!

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Why can't Japanese give characters proper relationships without pussyfooting around it with lame love triangles that have been done to death?

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>This is what white guys consider attractive

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>he doesn't know

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It's literally like flying over the clouds and seeing sunlight in the 3rd matrix movie.

It's literally Okita Anri

>las goblinas
>not even close

From being a lolicon?

because western companies wanna please pick related for good boy points

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any examples?