ITT: Claim your Yas Forumsidya waifu/husbando before any user else does

ITT: Claim your Yas Forumsidya waifu/husbando before any user else does

Attached: Cloud.jpg (983x1200, 168.77K)

I claim that Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

Attached: Luci holding 2 fingers up because she's telling you what time it is in the afternoon.jpg (800x800, 98.51K)

I already regret making this thread


Attached: ddtklgl-995716d9-1a5b-4a17-9cd2-80fbdcef3839.jpg (1000x1333, 583.29K)


Get Bonus!

Attached: saki_x2_by_eyeburn_d8o25g3.jpg (941x850, 404.23K)

No one will post them so I don't need to.

Attached: the premise of Gorgeous Freeman.jpg (1000x1600, 297.14K)


Attached: ippei_ECRx2i_UYAE5lCL.jpg (1078x1078, 93.84K)


Attached: 1574430561754.png (419x296, 78.08K)

I love Nagito Komaeda!

Attached: tumblr_oa0nru7mAl1rhb2h1o7_500.png (500x622, 457.09K)

Attached: 26655151_p0.jpg (600x800, 254.53K)


Attached: b3b81e2025a36139e5200ed82d826b54.jpg (1000x900, 244.14K)

>fat robot

You already took him

Attached: FD0ADF66-358F-45B0-9453-EAD7177DB7F7.jpg (520x825, 374.25K)

My wife!

Attached: 애쉬.jpg (500x567, 132.78K)

My wife Vert

Attached: DlyPVrDU0AAdWl7.jpg (720x960, 96.17K)

My King is beautiful!

Attached: 53772c49a6a9e20275ed498c4320ce09.jpg (818x566, 247.36K)

Magic Knight is my one and only.

Attached: 1305844_p0.png (500x500, 20.61K)

My wife

Attached: 3548F372-C0DF-4DAE-8FAD-3EBBDB067145.jpg (870x1024, 74.58K)

How about daughterfus?

Attached: KSA_Ribbon(2).png (315x298, 85.56K)

I want to press my lips against Cloud's hard nipple

You're beautiful

Attached: Priscilla-ffvii-field.png (119x216, 16.14K)

Me with my wife (male)

Attached: 0_1_592451a02551ddd9f9a0c7643d8af14b.jpg (331x480, 56.98K)

Attached: EEmnLzwUwAA6gel.jpg (1002x858, 121.85K)

Attached: Jdx.jpg (568x320, 26.87K)

He can be a little intimidating but I love him so much.

Attached: 7a4e253c28bb04ca4bc00d546b854862.jpg (1080x1241, 289.76K)

Attached: tumblr_opx0kziVc81qk9ocro1_1280.jpg (700x518, 87.03K)


Attached: 275D1B68-4833-41E2-9126-979FC9B0506C.jpg (640x1240, 166.73K)


Attached: g.png (1528x720, 1.39M)

Attached: b90523cacd985dbb4d264ebcd7de854e.jpg (547x774, 316.73K)

Shes too good.

Attached: EThYQWRU4AEJ-eX.jpg (950x1000, 191.77K)

Attached: 1577896174186.png (640x1322, 308K)

Attached: Come here, anon.jpg (947x552, 106.78K)

Attached: lei-lei.png (858x1032, 214.3K)