Why is kingdom come so fun?

Why is kingdom come so fun?

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Progression actually does something and changes your character

Immersion/meaningful choices.
I'm spite of the jank

It's fun until you get to the ending and the character literally say you'll have to wait for Kingdom Come 2, and wink at the player.

I quit once I got to the siege and assholes were still making me go on fetch quests
I assume there wouldn't have been a climax if I had kept going anyway

Spoilers faggot

Yeah, because literally every rpg on the planet does not let you kill things slightly faster as you level up.

how do I get into the combat?

Literally how the fuck are you even supposed to play the game if you don't mod the game to disable the AI countering all of your moves with takedown cutscenes

Devs didnt give a shit about modern politics. Made their own systems for combat, archery, lockpicking, etc. Basically they thought for themselves instead of being influenced by the cretins that ruined the internet and games in general.

If you don't have the patience to actually git gud go dig up the best sword in the game right at the start and spam thrust. Otherwise learn the combos and level your skills.

Train with Bernard and listen.

You just need to train with wooden swords in rattay. It'll take like 15 minutes and you'll get the perfect counter ability. From there, just get a mace for plate armor and your good.

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I think the point is that KGD does this exceptionally well, to the point that your progression is more apparent than most games.


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How do i get new horses, and horse armor and shit?

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1.Kill things
2.sell them

>want to use Bludgeon as my main weapon to roleplay as a vigilante
>it's the most counterable weapon in the game

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go to stables and buy them

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get the headcracker perk and clubs are OP when the hits do land

Do clubs work differently than maces? Because those break the game they're so good.

same thing, theyre just the lower tier maces

Oh, ok. I just got past the pribyslavitz battle and i have yet to see a stable...

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Love it


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>more than 5 npcs in one area
>game shits its pants

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That's how it was in mideval times.

check their stats when you do find them. aquire strong horsie to carry lots of gear or you'll be leaving a lot of armor on the ground when you hunt bandits

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I mean, that's the power of game development without the oppressive influence of publishers.
I don't think the "controversy" around this game was anything outside of a small vocal group of sjws bitching. I doubt the developers gave 2 shits, since they weren't beholden to anyone but the people finding their game.

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Yeah i already missed out on a bunch of stuff, especially the raid on the bandit camp.

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I liked how you sort of felt like you grew with him. I was pretty bad at the combat at the start, but as he got better, so I did at handling the mechanics.

>level up = hit harder
no, kingdom come makes it so your retarded village hick learns how to hold his sword properly

What settings do I have to lower? I have a i9 9900k and a 2080ti and I still get frequent frame drops at 1080p max settings