Will it be kino? Imagine having a highly detailed open world game set in the 80's. Seems like something I would like to play.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not columbia

>tfw can't romance narco thicc booty coloumbian queen pins

>rockstar literally cannot come up with one single original idea for ANY of the GTA games
It's literally just them watching ultra popular crime movies and shows and saying "buuh like show, make gaym"

I only play good games

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People still think rockstar can make a good game after RDR2 Online fiasco? jesus there are indeed uninronically retarded people in this board.

Attached: 1511168_578354808911170_684178252_n.jpg (168x215, 9.52K)

>Not in the US
>Not present day
>Inspired by Netflix

You act like ripping off shit is not all they have ever done. Im amazed these movie/TV companies don't just sue, it's absurd how lazy Rockstar are.

>set in 70s/80s brazil
ha nice try Brazil barely had roads back then.

is that nick cave? holy based

Quick rundown on RDR2O?

looks more like whoever was the main character in No Country for Old Men

no official trailer yet? I don't know, nigga, sounds kinda fake or purposely misleading to me

Attached: read a book.png (960x466, 342.95K)

Based mentally ill HUE

If you were ever a fan of RDR you're a retard. No one cares about GTA online either. Ignoring online, they've yet to fuck up a GTA title, Mr. Freeman.

yeah nobody knows what it's gonna based upon that article is bullshit

Rockstar's golden age is over, don't get your hopes up, you'll be only disappointed. I thought I would love a new gta game set in San Andreas again. I stopped playing after five hours.

did you like narcos?

more like darkos

GTA 6 - Brought to you by Netflix!

No thanks

I like Pablo's mustache.

>not vice city
hype instakilled


Gta 5 is unironically one of best games ever released, Gta 6 will be a masterpiece..

Disgusting. GTA was always about lampooning American culture. Nobody gives a fuck about brazilians.

To all lurking here is what we know about GTA VI so far:

>Literally nothing.

Don't let anybody tell you different, Rockstar hasn't even confirmed it's in development yet since GTAO is such a cash cow for them.

agreed. it's been the only game i play ever since it was released. just like San Andreas was back in the day

Why is "it's like a Netflix series" such a common selling point these days? I could swear both Death Stranding and Cyberpunk 20-I-don't-remember mentioned it too.

>default movement speed is a jog
>proper fps controls and level of adjustments (like fortnite)
>at least 3 cities the size of LS
>at least the same level of detail as RDR2
>1 protagonist

I will now purchase your game

It's already been confirmed by rockstar that this game will be much smaller scale than GTA 5.


In story mode. it's going to be more focused on online

That's even worse.

What are you talking about? There isn't even any confirmation by R* that GTA VI is being developed, everybody just assumes it is due to circumstantial evidence

Literally nobody cares about fag cartels. Should have been set in 90s Tokyo and main character is Claude.

Yes, and it's been working amazingly well for them so far. Well, except for 5.



>One plan that management has laid out for the next game, a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, is to start out with a moderately sized release that is then expanded with regular updates over time, which may help mitigate stress and crunch.

>Netflix's Narcos
Wasn't there a Max Payne about brazil already anyway?
Why would they make a GTA out of america anyway?