Xcom fought for freedom
Xcom fought for freedom
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They still do.
Just go full Scalefag and be done with it.
You literally already made 3 of these threads. Go to if you want to post snake porn already.
>gonna get another thread pruned
how did they get the mutons right here but fuck up the one in your squad?
>people finally start talking about the game in last thread
>mods delete it
Anyway, X3 is totally gonna be a follow up to both EW and 2 using the ocean portals. Who knows, maybe we'll even get to choose an ending between EW and WOTC, with the former getting MECs and Gene mods and the latter getting ayys
I want to boop the snek!
Please post snek and not shitposts about diversity
threads about new xcom game all follow the same pattern since there is hardly any content shown to post about
>die after a dozen posts
>monkeys flinging shit at each over politics till bump limit
>degenerates dumping snakes till bump limit
make your choice
Fucking shills
Oh no...
Very clearly has ray fins and not lobe fins so it's not a dolphin
That Chimera trailer was the most cringe-inducing thing I have seen in a long time
what is this face trying to convey
>tons of lore in Xcom 2 explaining only female sneks exist cus the males couldn't be mindcontrolled by the Overlords
>Snake character in Chimera is a male
you know something we don't?
it's the mask. Covers their derpy little mouth
>fucking a snake
imagine being this degenerate
Have a colored version.
>only the weak-minded females get controlled
paste and redpilled
I thought they just made all the aliens the same gender because it was easier, like in jurassic park.
So, how do we get those new mutons and sectoids? Are they the remainders of their original species that came to earth to visit?
There's a codex that explains the male Vipers would break conditioning at a pretty high rate so their genetic manufacturing opted to no longer include males.
They did, but they were all male. Female Vipers had to be used instead because male vipers had a high rate of rejection of the ethereal control.
It's only one of each on your team. Muton and sectoid have been on Earth since the initial invasion, viper was born a little bit later.
But, those aren't the current standard Mutons and Sectoids, and they're definitely not the variations from the first game.
The history is fucked and retcons abound
Does snek have her puss puss on her groin or on the tip of her tail?