show what you got
3x3 thread
I see you are a '00s child as well
name a single flaw honestly
I´ve got this man.
2/2 best max payne, plan on play deus ex sometime
based saints row 2
very nice
too much PC shit
and thats a good thing
dont you just hate it when you find a 3x3 and they have a very good game you like but they also have a game you despise?
1/1 + Sly 2
2/2 +TF2, +Banjo & Kazooie
3/3 +F:NV, +RE4, +FFX
I really need to get around to playing Celeste and Hollow Knight
Rate only the games in the red square if you wanna be autistic about it
All I've played here is AoE2, but I liked it
>4th gen
That's part of the appeal, only reason I check these threads.
it's difficult for me because I want to tell them that they're based but also tell them they have shit taste, it's very conflicting
Im back nig nogs, gonna call out games I like in your grid. Have fun
>all garbage besides catherine
Love AoE and AoM. I hate the town center mechanic in AoM though, they were trying to starcraft-ify it too much. I wanted the chaos of the earlier entries. Other mechanics are god tier though.
dude come on
The music for the binary sunset is perfect, I prefer a fistful of dollars to the good the bad and the ugly. I lived above the city sports at the finish line when the bombing happened. Was playing halo with a friend since going outside on patriots day is always a mess. Craziness.
Stand by me is pure kino. Blade runner is 100x better than garbage drive
Rec me some games please
happy late boston day
Call of juarez: gunslinger
mark of the ninja
def jam fight for new york
gta vice vity
blakc (ps2)
never bothered with halo orff in general
commandos is based
saints row 2
doom and psychonauts
tf2, dr and hl
mario and tf2
let it die is pretty meh
try super time force ultra
2/2 I want to try Deus Ex, and I'm looking forward to Rehydrated soon
(never played original)
2/3, the flaw is TF2 being there
3/3, is Prey good? I've been wanting to try
4/5, I'm disappointed that you included Pikmin 3 over 1
3/4, I have Cave Story and Half-Life installed on my PC, waiting to be played.
Kirby 64 is a powerful choice
I think its next week this year actually. 3rd Monday, no fixed date.
>name a single flaw honestly
Total War is pretty much wargames for normalfag retards. DOW2 is basically like someone skinned company of heroes alive and clumsily stretched its broken bloody pelt over a retarded space marine. Valkyrie Profile is a JRPG.
Anyways, I suggest you play Praetorians.
>boston day
Ignore me im an idiot, patriots day and boston day are different things.
2/2, you should try Persona 3: Not Portable and Metroid Prime
I bet you killed Lord British yourself.
Hotline miami
prey is a game that should have been half as long as it was. the second half of the game drags on forever but people with autism love it for some reason, probably because you can turn things into blocks
the good the bad and the ugly is the only non-shit movie on here.
I should mention though that the lore and world of prey are actually very interesting, it's just that the actual game ends up being very drawn out and over stays it's welcome
I wasn't going to say anything, but I agree about Pikmin. To me it completely eclipses the sequels with its sense of urgency and how that forces you to face the unknown unprepared. Going down to the bottom of Forest Navel looking for parts and getting fucked by the bosses was a very unique experience and it's not the same when you have as many days as you want to get comfortable. That the world is entirely foreign is a boon that the others don't have, as well. There's no surprise when beady long legs jumps down in Pikmin 2.
I wouldn't say the game over stays it's welcome but it's not as good on replays. I beat it in 2 days and It was amazing while i was playing it but it's far from perfect.