What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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Being in a bad game

he's a typical incel

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So if he can't feel that means he cant cum right?

Mommy issues

His mommy wouldn't fuck him.

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low test

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Filtered on God of war difficulty, eh?

Yes. He is unable to taste food and drink or experience sexual pleasure in addition to not feeling pain and being invincible.

his mother made him immortal at the cost of "feeling" nothing. That means everytime he ate or drank something they did not taste anything. Everytime he got into a fight, they felt no pain. Everytime he had sex, he didn't feel anything. His own mother cursed him to a live a life without actually being able to live it due to her own fear of losing her child being forced to live that kind of life since his mother never told him how to undo the curse. He slowly lost himself and became as you see him in the game.

Imagine living hundreds of years being unable to enjoy or feel anything literally and figuratively. No human alive can understand that feeling which is why brainlets think Balder is being a fag and a bitch since it's impossible to feel completely dead while being alive simultaneously. It would be a fucked up live indeed so I don't blame Balder for wanting to make his mother pay for living a tortured life.

Why gods need to feel shit?

try living with your whole body numb, including your taste buds and sexual organs. Even if you're immortal, living like that is in itself it's own version of hell.

Somebody post the witch’s tits

He can't experience the pleasure that beating off or fucking a girl brings. The action in itself would feel like nothing. He can't feel the pain or sensations of weather, heat, cold or the exhilaration of a fight and what it brings. Imagine living in a Nordic culture where what makes a man is how he lives and dies and Baldur can do neither? To add insult to injury his own mommy made him this way hes literally the laughing stock of Asgard and Valhalla because of it and it shows in his mental state.

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Freya has like no porn. Theres unironically more porn of Atreus and Kratos than Freya.

His mother wanted to fuck him because daddy Odin wasn't around. It is a well documented fact that mothers often replace the son as their partner if the father abandons her and no other men are around.

>can't feel anything
>but can feel emptiness, anger, desire to be free
shit writing

plus isn't Baldur supposed to be the most attractive god but the game makes him goddamn ugly.


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Don't call Conor McGregor ugly

So is Atreus going to fuck a horse or what?

>game says Vanir magic has a bunch of loopholes and cracks in it which is why something so inoffensive as mistletoe can take away the spell
>user calls it bad writing because he couldn't follow the simplicity of the story and when its spelled out

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typical low iq northern wh*toid

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He's actually that scientist dude from Lost.

I know "its magic, who gives a shit", but surely losing the ability to feel would completely fuck up your physical and probably mental development.

I swear I remember stories of kids with fucked nerve endings who couldn't feel pain so they'd just poke themselves in the eyes and do damage and not give a shit

pic sause?

How sad of the writers to assume you could grasp "physical" from the context.

>I know "its magic, who gives a shit", but surely losing the ability to feel would completely fuck up your physical and probably mental development.
He was an adult when it happened and I even said he got fucked up mentally because of it. As the game progresses or even during the first encounter theres times when he sounds like hes gonna fucking break down in tears.

It's not porn and it's literally 5 pages flashback in a crappy manga. Read Haha Ana though.

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Shitting on GoW is so 2018 buddy

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>He was an adult when it happened
Ah that explains it, couldn't remember that, haven't played game for a while now
Yeah I think they did a good job showing his mental breakdown

cant fucking wait for the next game
love norse mythology and love how theyre depicting it so far

Imagine watching a video of yourself jerking off, you see your own hand stroking your own cock, but you can't feel anything, you see cum shooting out, but still feel nothing because it's just a video. Now imagine that instead of a video, that's actually what's happening when you jerk off, you feel like your just watching yourself jerking off.That is how the Baldur do.

They beat him with an ugly stick

If you actually play the game, it's spelled out for you quite clearly what his problem was.

death grip.txt