What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: LmyYuiBRyZmEpvTZKYkryG61WaKhA2myoczhYVAoE8Q_390x400_1x-0.jpg (390x549, 48.04K)

It was an invisible bore



trannies detected

consoles, Xbox to be precise.


Laggy as fuck, universal ammo, we need dem xbox bucks, plot out the window, etc.

No really, the game was butchered to shit due to the constraints of the Xbox and had a really troubled development.

Same thing happened with Thief Deadly Shadows.

Can we have a console hate thread please?

Attached: 220px-Thief_Deadly_Shadows_boxart.jpg (220x321, 21.59K)

Consoles ruined fighting games.

What other franchises were ruined due to consoles? I can think of Crysis 2/3 and F3AR from the top of my head, or FPS in general .

Nothing. I liked it.

FPS have certainly been the hardest hit, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor.

RPG's are another, Dragon Age, Mass Effect etc

Literally any rts/ topdown game that isn't a twin stock shooter

>Muh franchise
can't you just enjoy a game and not require it to have 30 sequels

my computer couldn't run it and I had to wait like 3 years to play it decently. but with the game itself? hardly anything. it's kino af and way better than nuDX that Squenix ruined.

I agree with this, I felt this way about hitman absolution. It wasn't a bad game but it wasn't a hitman game. If they had just been creative and did a new IP for that game it would have been more acceptable

We absolutely could, if 29 of those sequels weren't ruined due to consoles.

>Here's that Command & Conquer game you wanted sweetie

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 35.5K)

Console versions were shit, but it's not as if the PC versions suffered as a result of them existing.

INVISIBLE ____ MY ____ !

I would've french kissed my mom if she did that back then because games were a rare treat. I didn't care if I got it for pc or console.

It BTFO the sequels later on.

The director was going through a bitter divorce at the time, and thus chose to develop it on Xbox

That's like winning by default. Hardly an achievement.

the game isnt terrible really. my gripe is that it pretty much ended the deus ex storyline, like there is nowhere they can possibly go without retconning the entire ending of IW

>indivisible war
>can clearly see it

they could make new games instead of sequels

Game was great however you lack vision and need hand holding

Still it's based.