it is Legion 2.0 - Time to come back user.
It is Legion 2.0 - Time to come back user
Legion was terrible go kys
>Deep Dungeon from XIV except actually good
>Level squished to 60
>Leveling is fast and fun
>Classes being fixed (or at least they are trying)
>Minmaxing degeneracy is removed
>Game being made more difficult
Blizzard is based for once
you're going to buy my game user
>playing after cata
lmao fucking zoomers dude
I was playing WoW in March 2005 on a Pentium 3 computer with windows xp and 256mb of ram and no video card at 10 fps on low while you were probably 8-10 years old crying to your mommy you dind't have a Xbox 360 like the other kids. Fuck off Reddit Spacing retard.
>not 2004
okay kiddo
what for? You level the expansion, to start doing dungeons to get better gear to do mythics+ and raids for the rest of the expansion's lifetime to get more points to get stronger to keep doing the same dungeons over and over.
Nothing but a time sink where you gain nothing from it.
The last expansion was tedious as fuck to play.
The story was the only reward I had from it, and they managed to fuck it up. Nothing left for me in that game now.
it didn't come out in Australia until 2005. Nice try though.
>he didn't know how to play the game at launch regardless of region restrictions
>Why do people play FPS games? You just shoot at each other for a match and repeat?
>Why do people play board games? After you finish you just restart?
Eat a hot dick you fucking shill. No one i know who played this game is looking forward to this. Even the complete diehard ultrafags that stayed with BFA quit shortly after.
Unless this is just bait, explain how they are going to learn from anything when history clearly shows that every fucking individual in this company is inept
Literally everyone in alpha is loving it, even the nobodies.
inept?? But we got mechagnomes!
>retail addicts want more retail
okay retard. Enjoy your WoD 4.0
I'm not going to play WoW until they bring back tiered raids. I don't want my progression to be invalidated every time a new content patch comes out and I don't want to skip the entire content either just to """"catch up"""".
>Literally everyone in alpha is loving it, even the nobodies.
they always do. what wow expansion had a bad public opinion before the release? not even wod was panned by players before release.
um, WoW came out at the same time as USA, it was euope that had the delayed release...
I would if they removed the monthly sub
I'll wait for sunwell mop server
>Time to come back user.
Sorry but I'm busy playing a better product right now.
Legion fucking sucked.
vanilla-tbc - rpg era
wotlk-mop - pseudo action game simon says
wod-now - scuffed mmo-diablolike abortion
How long is that patch going to last you seeing as 5.3 was delayed?
>An expansive, thriving world pushing the envelope of quality in the MMO genre, wrapping a well known and told story from the RTS games along with it. Endless hours of gameplay for PvP and PvE players alike, with an expanding cadence of content and features every patch
>A new spin on an old favorite with new dimensions of verticality, challenging PvE experiences, and invigorating takes on PvP in the open world, AND in more intimate arena settings.
>Continuing improvements on the PvP and PvE experience from lessons learned in the previous expansion, within the wrapper of a fan favorite setting to conclude a decade-long premise, while still maintaining a diversity of world to engage players zone after zone
>A fresh spin on the old world both welcome and unwelcome, but still looking to move the game forward regardless. An unfortunate decline of quality in later patches prevented it from setting the norm to come.
>A fresh shift in thematics while maintaing the quality bar for consistency. A worrisome change at first that ends up thriving in its own right. Bold new combat decisions like casters moving while casting breathed new life into classes as well.
>Dude orcs LMAO YAASSS
>It's fun! xD
Call me when FFXIV becomes a mmorpg that you can play with friends*
*Decorating your brothel and dressing your tranny friends up isn't playing the game.
Cata and Mists weren't that bad considering everything that came after them.
oh god its that time of year where the wow shill makes multiple threads a day again
When you have a company’s dick so far down your throat.
What exactly is there to do? Wipe to Eden's Verse? Anything else?
there's alot to do in the game outside of the latest content. So, i'd say about 5 months
You're not wrong.
SL: The Renaissance after the Dark Ages. The rebirth of class solidarity while pushing the bar for zone design. A return to age old core concepts of itemization and player progression.
>legion 2.0
>another ap grind
No thanks.
>there's alot to do in the game outside of the latest content.
Roleplaying activities isn't raising your ilvl, so I don't see how there's stuff to do.
Fishing and crafting isnt content. The only reason to play MMOs is unironically raiding and dungeons.
even the worst version of retail has more fun gameplay than classic.
>The only reason to play MMOs is unironically raiding and dungeons.
If that's all you care about when you play MMOs then you've played to much of WoW.