Whats the verdict

Whats the verdict

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Its fun

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Better than the original, only boomers and nostalgia fags disagree

Not a remake or a good game

Best Square Enix game in a long time, improves on the original in many ways while also being fairly innovative. Amazing boss fights.

Pretty good didn't like the ending or the time jannies

It's great until the ending part.

Good but side quests are shit and textures look like ass

it's shit

>Best Square Enix game in a long time
that doesn't seem like a high bar

room to improve but superb nonetheless

this shit is chrono cross all over again

stop asking for opinions, play it yourself and find the veredict

9/10. Questing can be a bit tedious, but approach the game like you haven't played the original at all.

Worse than I imagined.

not a high bar, no. but it is still the best in a long time

It's fun, better combat than I expected, I like most of the ways it expands upon the characters and situations present in the original. Graphics are very inconsistent in quality. Sephiroth everywhere and the (very) major plot change/addition that gets more important towards the end is fucking terrible.

>they actually subtitled it 'remake'

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9/10. Combat is great, but the story has a potential to be bad.
I'm definitely gonna get Part 2, if only to see how Red XIII and whatever other character they introduce plays. Hopefully it's Yuffie



Extremely solid all around aside from the ending, which is very divisive to say the least.

Part 2 is gonna be called "Final Fantasy VII Reconstruct" or something similar.

Anyway, game is good. I think I'd give it a 9.

Hopefully they add in Water and Earth in the next part. Leviathan being non-elemental is dumb.

Tifa is hot

>4 enemy skills

well its a step in he right direction so i aprove

after 42 hours Yas Forums was wrong and this game is great.
There is no time travel bullshit.

an absolutely terrible remake and a lazy effort by SE but it has everything normies and zoomers want in a game and it's exclusive so it's getting a free pass

pretty fucking disgusting if you ask me

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i wish we lived in that timeline

Liked it. 8/10. Strong start with a weaker finish. Good combat (haven't played turn based), way more responsive than 15. Guys are OP, girls suck ass. Good music, too reorchestrated for my taste. I would have prefered more melodies and less medleys. Incredible art design. Meh side quests but combat carries them. Dislike that it's episodes, of course.

Even if you didnt have the ending and the time jannies, they fucked up the plot pacing and story. If you played this you already know about Meteor, Cloud's mother's death, Nibelheim burning, that Cloud killed Sephiroth the first time, that Cloud isnt a SOLDIER, that JENOVA is Sephiroth's mother, that JENOVA isnt a real ancient but a calamity from the skies, also Aerith apparently knows there's a bigger threat to the planet than Shinra (only Cloud knew that), the party already know how strong Sephiroth is so Cloud's story buildup of Sephiroth's strength is pointless. None of these things we knew until they were revealed (many in major twist moments) throughout key points of the rest of the story.

It's weird the big bad is described from coming from the future only in English. The other languages simply state its willed from the planet.

Combat is fun. Textures are shit. Pacing is all over the place. Sidequests are genetic but gameplay makes up for it. Far too much slowly shimmying through hidden loading screens.
Plot is contentious. Additions were largely good. New characters were good. The changes however ruined an otherwise solid game. I don't trust modern SE to write a good original plot. If I did, it'd be a 9/10. Time jannies are shit so it gets like a 7

GOTY, including the ending

75% of the game is a 9/10
25% of the game is a 5/10


It's because of one enemy description and two characters having memories they shouldn't.
You can blame those memories on lifestream nonsense, at least.

I'm so close to pulling the trigger on getting this game but I hate buying games at full price. Last time I did that was for RDR 2. Can someone at least tell me it'd be worth the $119 I'd have to spend to get it

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Flaws with the game:

Added Aero, but removed Earth and Water.

Red XIII could have absolutely been playable and they could have given him his own Arena missions.

You start with 2 ATB bars and you don't get any more. Would have been better to start with 1 and then get more as the game progresses.

ATB bar goes up too slowly for non-directly controlled characters since it's directly tied to attacking and the AI doesn't attack enough to keep it up.

No way to give the AI rudimentary instructions like telling Tifa to keep 2 stacks of Unbridled Strength or Aerith to heal when HP is low.

Can only use items and magic from the quick menu for some reason???

Materia doesn't reproduce. You only get 1 All or "Magnify" and Mastering it gets you nothing.

Texture loading issues are annoying.

8.5 or 9/10
Will look top notch in the ps5

kys faggot, I spit at your shit opinion

It's a KH/FFXV starring FFVII characters

>New characters were good.

Kino, doesnt just overwrite the original so it still has its place among history, but is also a fantastic game in its own right. If it doesnt win best soundtrack for the year the awards are rigged.

What's the justification for Leviathan being in Midgar? It's explicitly a sacred Wutai thing in the original that you only get for completing Yuffie's sidequest.

Better than FFXV in every possible way.

>Can only use items and magic from the quick menu for some reason???
This isnt a real problem since you can use quick use or something like that use multiple potions

Honestly if you take one second to figure out the context you'd realize Lifestream is timeless and everything beyond Destiny's Crossroads is just the will of the planet aka whispers, including the Sephiroth fight there.


nutjob bro


It's not remotely worth it. It's fucking part 1 of a completely botched remake and they lied about it being faithful. It also looks like a PS3 game a lot of the time.

Pirate the PC version next year.

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Medicore trash that's soft-locked to the worst home gaming system in all of history. Enjoy your censored, SJW, rewritten trash I guess

This game looks and plays like it's part of Nier Automata

90% of the game is 10/10 the last 10% is 3/10.

Best FF release since X.

It's a digital facsimile created by Chadley in a computer sim.

>soundtrack for the year

The OST was garbage, worst in the series

Just rent it if you can. I just started a hard playthrough after beating it last night and I'm having a blast. Level up ALL of your lightning fire ice and healing materia. Fun game.

I actually liked him in a B movie kind of way. He's a completely OTT stupid character and that fits with the goofiness of the OG.

>enemy skills learned

Loved it. 8.5/10. Loses 1 point for the story changes alone. Loses half a point for minor complaints like combat targeting

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>this is 10/10 to the shills

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Baring a few stupid scenes with the script specters, probably a 10/10 until the VR showcase in Shinra HQ. 5/10 after that.
The Drum is the worst section in the game, and the story nosedives off a cliff. Rufus was cool though.

Materia created by some Shinra scientist kid. Basically man made summons. There’s multiple of these and you have to fight them all to get the materia. Pretty fun especially the last one

Enemy skill materia, buy it from Hojo's robot sextoy.

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Contrats you just started playing

>kys faggot, I spit at your shit opinion
>Will look top notch in the ps5

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People are overblowing the implications of the ending. Part 2 is still going to follow all the story beats of the original.

You're going to be in Kalm, Cloud is gonna tell the story of Nibleheim and Sephiroth, then you're going to go catch a chocobo to get across the marsh, but then fight Midgar Zolem anyway to get to the Mythril Mine, then to Costa Del Sol and the boat to Junon where you'll fight Jenova-roth again.

The ONLY thing that MIGHT change is Aerith being saved from being impaled, but she'll just end up My Friend Martin-ing herself anyway because she'll need to do so for Holy to work.

Zack's not alive in this timeline, if in any timeline at all.

Calm your titties.

>not Final Fantasy: Reunion

lol what if thats not even him and some puppet like in advent children?

Unironically wait for a discount.

The game looks like shit, textures are blurry, npcs, especially during the sidequests, have atrocious animations.
The lock on fucking sucks, the camera sucks, the map sucks, the over all look of the game sucks. The transition Wall Market goes through from day to night can best be described by staying in the club till the lights go on and you suddendly see the ugly worn out faces. It looks like shit, and don't even get me started with that upbeat, happy ass music you get to listen to while people overdose in dark alleyways.

Sometimes this game straight up looks like a Fallout 4 mod, especially inside the cities of the slums. The color palette ranges from diarrhea brown to nobody cares blue and the game looks accordingly. The cinematic hallway sequences look good if you ignore the fact that the skybox doesn't, not even remotely, blend in with the objects infront of it.

The padding sucks. Among the sidequests, and this is not a fucking joke, are a quest that makes you look for 3 cats, a quest that makes you look for 5 kids, generic hunts and fetch quests. That is it. If they don't send you into an empty ass factory that produces air, they send you into dungeons you've been before or all across the hallways you've been before. But not that repetition is only meant for the sidecontent, you also fight the same Shinra machinery in 10 different versions and the sewer boss twice. Just imagine that they added such shitty padding but opted out on having the meeting at the secret base in 7th heaven. They cut stuff people actually looked forward to and instead added some of the most generic shit they could have.

I'm just not going to mention the whole Nojima & Nomura shitshow.

7/10 through my thick nostalgia goggles while being generous, wait for a massive discount.

Get this one, wait until the second one is out, don't preorder or buy day one like a spastic, and wait.
Once everything goes the way it should, buy, if they change too much don't buy and report every thread shilling it.


They can play it through the way it was meant to be yes, but half of everything is already revealed, the writing on this is much poorer than the original.

It literally is. It's Jenova taking over the Tattoo'd Jenova Cell Implants to taunt and torment Cloud. There's only 1 Sephiroth and he's in the northern crater.

All of these Sephiroths are Jenova assuming direct control.

It's a great game, and Hard mode is fun as hell. Ignore the shitposters who keep spamming the same webms over and over again. It's 8/10.

>People are overblowing the implications of the ending. Part 2 is still going to follow all the story beats of the original.
You're just retarded. Part 1 didn't follow it and the ending let us know for sure that part 2 will be even worse.

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how can anyone older than 20 tolerate this shonen cliffhanger sequel bait bullshit?

surprisingly good for a squeenix game.

I heard they will let Aerith live this time, is it true?

Fucking casuals man

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>it gets fun as hell once you beat it
>just ignore all the force walking and time wasting padding and cutscenes that make replaying the game an absolute slog

>ignore the people who actually wanted a good game and a proper remake, they don't matter!!!!

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>86 hours

It's pretty alright, I just dread Nomura's wild ride because he can't keep his boner under control.

Dunno until we get there. They've made it abundantly clear though that anything can happen now.

Just skip the parts that they added while you're watching it on youtube, since we all know you didn't play it.

battle system fucking sucks, everything else is a 10/10

>Part 1 didn't follow it
But it did though?

Great game

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>Red XIII could have absolutely been playable
Seems like they just didn't want to take the time to give him all the necessary animations, he absolutely should've been playable though.
His AI is dogshit, and makes the Drum area, Jenova DREAM, and Hundred Gunner/Arsenal fights worse.

First third of the game is pretty strong, 9/10. Has a cringey enemy boss but otherwise really fun. Soundtrack is also at its best here, and has some of the best tracks I’ve heard in a game.
Middle third feels a bit tedious (especially the crane section and the train graveyard) and not a huge fan of the drawn out dialogue at the tower with Biggs and Jessie. Still has its good moments, 6-7/10.
Last third is anime writing with a lot of spectacle over substance. Weird tone shift with out of character moments. Hard to rate because it’s really just that bad.

Overall I’d give it a 6, but the first couple hours of the game are honestly magical.

not only are you illiterate but you cemented my point

>defending the time jannies runing every cutscene that wasn't just cut from the game

It did not.

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Awful story. They ruined everything that was good about the original.

Why was Cloud so much more savage in this version? He almost killed 2 main characters and plot ghosts had to stop him

My verdict is that since Squeenix is not interested in telling the original story of FF7 through a modern medium, I am uninterested in supporting them anymore.
I won't be buying Part 2 and those after, and I won't be buying any DLC for FF7R either.

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oh boy this mentally ill narunigg again

Absolute KINO

>You didn't go down to the secret arcade machine room, game ruined
Cherry pick a little harder, please.

When you get to a certain age you just accept that things will never live up to your expectations and learn to just appreciate the good things

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It mentions time in every language user.