Is Todd's game worth buying now?

Is Todd's game worth buying now?

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It never will be worth buying


Lol no

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>Bought the game at launch
>I really thought it would be good
>Haven't bought a game at launch since, probably never will

What is this Wastelanders thing? DLC?

It still has item degradation.
Unless you are in to tedium then by all means give it a try.

Can someone redpill me on what makes this game so bad compared to 4?

4 was decent (at best) but 76 gets a whole different level of hate.

What are you doing on Yas Forums if you don't know that?


There's been controversy over it's rushed launch and pre order items but most of it is blown way out of proportion by reddit
76 is basically just 4 online nothing more nothing less

thanks for your answer to my question appreciate it love xoxo

it was before and definitely is now

No and never will be. Bethesda might as well kill themselves for all I can. They have lied for too long. No more lies, Todd.

Wow so brave making a down syndrome character in their dead mmo

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It's boring. You run around shooting bullet sponge enemies that can do nothing but walk at you in a straight line and collect resources to build camps to hang out in. That's all you do.

They would literally have to pay me to play it.

Yes, but it's free.
It depends on what you liked about previous fallout games. If you liked any of the fallout more than 3 or 4, then no, otherwise it's okay for one play through. It's only plus over the other fallouts is interesting locations.

Normie, you just want to be spoonfeeded, don't you? Fuck off tourist.

Bethesda is in charge of fixing the bugs so absolutely nothing works, no mods, the game is basically a huge scavanging hunt building up to nothing, online store with absolute hebrew priceses, Zenimax being huge jews in general

This isn't real right?

It's literally just 4 with multiplayer.
If you're brain dead enough to enjoy 4, you're brain dead enough to enjoy 76.

This is my opinion and I,
>Played 4 first thought it was perfectly okay 7/10 or whatever
>Then played New Vegas, can't even touch 4 hate it now
>Bought 76 just for the multiplayer simple loot n shoot and to be the only person around my friends to bit the bullet
Ya know how quickly people are to say you can't shit talk a game unless you played, and I fucking played it

I don't know how it is now I'm slowly just playing actually seeing npcs is nice
On launch though the only fun I had was either fighting monsters way higher than my level or the glitches
Game just felt so much like 4 but even less to see or do
Interacting with others is a hit or miss like all other online games
The stat system is kinda of shitty having to deal with rng cards until you get passed 50 to pick what you actually wanted
Everywhere you go it was like the same enemies running at you waiting to be one shotted, Red people, Shreks, Mole People, animals the normal stuff from Fallout just can't put up a fight
Even the looting part was just terrible fighting the queen to get a one star plank of wood melee weapon
I just enjoy walking around and playing unarmed with the mutations that make you run and jump super high
The only thing that legit makes me mad is that someone said mutations would affect the way you look, I wanted to look like a freak jumping super high

Heard they fixed a bunch, on release the game was a 5/10 to a quick 3/10 now it's back to a 5/10
I'm still just mindlessly playing it for the hell it because I haven't touched it since release

I expected nothing from this game and it still somehow disappointed me/10


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Hell no I wouldn't even make my slave nigger touch that.

There's so much bs I could go into and I'd end up writing an essay on why Fallout 76 sucks, and why no one should give bethesda money for it.

What other games let you explore an open world and shoot monsters to loot their shit?

Having fun with it. I like all the fallout games. It is not perfect, but many people hating it have not tried wastelanders

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hi nick

Any (actually playable, not this buggy shit) fallout or elder scrolls game.

Oh I should have said that they're also online games.

Wastelanders is literally just Fallout 4.

We already know why Fallout 4 is bad.

Todd didn't make this. It was made by some MOBA-shit devs who's game died.

>22 hours in 2 days
how and why

Yes it's better than nuvegas

No its not. Its more like let's take fallout 4 building/base/crafting system (which i personally didn't like at all) and make the game around it.

not at all, 76 actually lets different scenarios play out depending on choices and even has more skill checks than NV.

Make me an offline version and you'll have my money. Loved 4, NV, and 3, but was rightly suspicious of 76.

In terms of content it's an improvement.
Less content is just superior to tons of MCUtier content. But it is also horribly built even for Bethesda standards and the amount of nickel and diming in it is almost funny.

4 was garbage. Fallout 76 was buggy as fuck, even by Bethesda's standards on launch and I don't think it is a stretch to say it was nearly unplayable. This made casuals freak out and hyperbole how bad the game was. At this point if you enjoyed Fallout 4, you'd probably enjoy 76. It has been patched enough, and it is basically Fallout 4 with friends which is what most casuals who enjoyed 4 asked for next.

The problems any experienced Fallout fan still remains in 76, and anything Bethesda patches won't fix the lack of story or RPG elements. That is the beef I've had with Bethesda since they took the franchise and drove it straight into the god damn ground.

Along with 4's gunplay, shitty leveling system, gameplay loop, shitty writing, shitty factions, and shitty NPCs. The only thing it's missing is followers at this point. And I guess multiplayer take that role.

Or are you implying that 4 had more to it than being a shitty base building/crafting survival game?

>patches won't fix the lack of story or RPG elements.
that's exactly what they did. has nobody actually played this update?

>Played 4 first thought it was perfectly okay 7/10 or whatever
>Then played New Vegas, can't even touch 4 hate it now
if you think going back to 4 is bad imagine waking up one morning with the reveal trailer for fallout 4 after having played new vegas. i had an exam that day, normally i'm stressed the fuck out for exams, but somehow that reveal trailer distracted me to the point where i did my exam with no issues and was chill for the rest of the day. then the game comes out and it's a pile of ass compared to new vegas (which in itself is filled with issues). fuck bethesda for being hacks, nevermind the 76 launch, even their mainline titles