Florence in the 15th century, Home....
Florence in the 15th century, Home
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a thread died for this
yeah, so?
it was a shitty thread not about video games
>get ass creed syndicate for free on epic games
>give it a try because old ass creeds were fun
>parkour feels awful, character keeps jerking back and forth locked into specific points of the level
>climb smokestack and try to jump off and die
>British Ezio refuses to jump off the tower
>struggle for 5 minutes to get him to fuck up and fall
>he finally does
>lands perfectly fine and uninjured
>alt+f4 and uninstall
thanks for saving me the download
... that and the dumb grappling hook= pass for me
I'll just go straight to Unity
Wasn't Unity made before the british one
It's by far the best AC, even other games in the Ezio saga never reached AC2's level
AC2 was the only game I truly enjoyed in the series besides 1 but that game wasn't that great either. I loved how wide the scale of 2 was and how it took place over such a long period of time
Last year I played through pretty much all the games in the series. AC2 is my favorite. I don't know what black magic they used but everything just fits perfectly. Collecting the feathers is a pain but aside from that it's damn good. Black Flag I'd place second even though it's not really an AC game.
that piece of trash didn't even want to run on my machine. Went through tons of different fixes and none worked. I wish I'd payed for that piece of shit, now I don't even have the satisfaction of refunding it.
Walking in the dirty streets of London while cosplaying Holmes>>>Climbing roofs like the urangutan on Rue Morgue
This game is max comfy
i managed to get the hd ezio collection on xbox one for cheap and after playing ac2 it doesn't hold up as well as i thought it would. the updated textures and lighting are nice but the map and asset quality feels so dated. the mechanics feel really janky as well.
How come AC2 had so much SOUL while every other entry in the series was so soulless?
The plot writer left after Brotherhood.
1 and 2 feel like they have very specific and unique vibes they're going for, after that the games just kinda feel the same imo, except 4 in the open seas, but while on an island 4 still feels like 3 just slightly better, unity feels "new" for about 2 secs until you realize the core gameplay is the exact same despite it looking slightly different, i never have and never will play syndicate, origins and odyssey are not ac games even so who cares.
it set the AC formula that every game copied (until the French Revolution one which is the last one I played) so you remember it as the best one
I was going to comment how crazy it was that Italy used to be like twenty separate countries back then and now it's all Italy before remembering Italy isn't a country anymore but all of Europe has been made into a single communist country that's rapidly Islamising good thing Britain escaped. It's truly a tragedy that Ireland and Italy my ethnic homelands aren't countrys anymore but part of the EU as a province of germany coz the EU is the fourth reich/EUssr. At least we here in the US carry on the torch and keep our ethnicities and cultures alive unlike the EU that wants to destroy everyone together. Spics are more European than anything in Europe these days!
I just replayed the whole series up to AC3 last month. Good shit. Even 3 isn't as bad as I remember.
>It's by far the best AC
Let me stop you right there
>someone probably made this unironically
Frogposter wasn't a faggot for once.
Fuck me, that's an obscure reference, user. Kudos.
>11 games in 2 console generations
No wonder they are trash.
>it doesn't hold up as well as i thought it would.
>the updated textures and lighting
they probably ruined it user
It's a pretty based thread if you ask me.
I'm actually enjoying 3 once I finished the story. That story was garbage. Running through the forests chasing the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hallow is comfy as fuck though. RIP Haytham
>make the cities feel different by changing the color tint
>it works