I was planning on naming and describing this thing.
>"The Cum Zone"
>"Only cum inside anime girls
Quivering clit, double jointed pussy
Fresh balls, elegant ejaculation
First the kiss, then the cum"
But I wanted to hear your ideas first.
I'm looking for homo-erotisism, weeb shit, and or furfaggotry.
I was planning on naming and describing this thing
either put it to a roll and deliver or name it yourself.
46 names it
Pyrofags everybody.
bug chaser
The Boss of this Gym
"I win, I get your ass."
The Goyim Eradicator
>I'm looking for homo-erotisism, weeb shit, and or furfaggotry.
Are you 16 or something.
kys ironic weeb furfag homosexual
"The cum zone"
"Oh yeah forgot to mention, the cum is red and it burns"
I was getting the obvious jokes out of the way first
Chuck's Fuck and Suck
"Soon-to-be Sneed's"
>"It shoots fire."
>I'm looking for homo-erotisism, weeb shit, and or furfaggotry.
Just call it OP.
Trans pride
niger demolisher
Tentacles raped my mom
burn the commie manifesto
pyro is a broken faggot class played by niggers
Rocket Launcher
Moe molester or Moelester
>I'm looking for homo-erotisism, weeb shit, and or furfaggotry.
Why do zoomers do this?
Flamers Get the Flames
if 5 name it "Flame Thrower" because fuck you
nice try fag
Naggers gonna Nig
I'm lonely, please add me
big flame schut
Strong negative sentiments regarding persons of African heritage or descent