So now that his VA died is he gonna be silent through all the remake?

So now that his VA died is he gonna be silent through all the remake?

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i wish his english va was quinton flynn still

quinton flynn was the best for sure

He'll just be replaced. Some characters are intrinsically tied to their voice actors but others are immortal. The original Reno didn't even have voice acting.

Who cares about this cahracter?

He fucking isnt? For what purpose.

Also old Sephirot VA was way better.

They recast all the VAs

I kinda like that they did this in part because I get sick of hearing all the same voice actors in every english game and in some cases, the new VAs fit the character better (Aerith is the most standout example for me), but some of the VAs from advent children and kingdom hearts were perfect.

Lance bass was a better Sephiroth, same with Quinton Flynn Reno.

who cares, this game was meant to be played with the dub

Why are the nips so autistic about VA's? Not just when they die but they have a fucking weird obsession with them in general.

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Time Jannies will clean him up

based and dubpilled

most of the time sub is correct, but not in the case with a series like final fantasy

>Photo-realistic everything

>Still retains ridiculous, impossible anime hair, they just make the texture photo-realistic

This bothers me so fucking much, I hate modern Final Fantasy's art direction, so creatively bankrupt. The games used to be more visually interesting and often stylized, now they're all the same photo-realistic crap the west keeps churning out. X and XII are as realistic as I want the games to get, and even then XII is still fairly stylized.

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>shown to kill himself over his guilt at helping bring down the plate
>gets replaced with a new Turk that was in the phone game

the time jannies would stop him though

If you know japanese you start to notice a lot of nice stuff about voice actors, their work is on another level
Not enough to grant them such huge paychecks, but bigger than voice actors in every other language? Sure

>Ugh why do Japs care about things like jobs and shit!??
The question you really should be asking is why don't the west give a shit about voice acting in general?

Remove those nostalgia googles and realize that no gives a shit about dubs anymore.

FF7R characters arent the original FF7 characters, so they got new VAs.

how accurate are the English subs/is the dub? In FFX for instance a lot was different from the Japanese.

time jannies are kill

The irony being that the OG designs besides Cloud himself didn't actually feature stereotypical anime hair. That all came in retcons in Compilation shit

If they're in the way of money, they will get replaced. No need to stop everything just because one guy died.

Nowadays I only watch/play dubs

But why tho? I'm not joking, I really don't understand the mindset.

Not in English, and since I play dubbed, nbd.

Because I just got tired of reading subs and most dubs nowadays vary between good, okay and passable. Cringe voice acting for dubs are pretty rare now.

I am able to read and I don't like listening to the same dozen d-list TV rejects portray all the characters in every single game

Don't they do the same thing in Japan?

>Cringe voice acting for dubs are pretty rare now.

Yes, but the only differences is that the VAs are actually talented. Fun fact: all three in pic related is voiced by the same person.

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which one died? jap or eng?

>va dies of corona right after rick may
Who’s next?

they only sound good to you because you don't understand them, weeb faggot