I spent 30 mins crying like a baby ama

i spent 30 mins crying like a baby ama

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Emotions are prohibited

How else does your brain damage affect your life?

I felt literally nothing. 2b and 9s are barely even characters I don't get how anybody could even begin to empathize with them let alone to the degree of tears.

Why? Death has no consequence in this story. Not even 2B stays dead.

True beauty you can feel

its hard to tell : \

i have never played this game but i have fapped to hours of porn of this game

Ending E always makes me cry like a baby too. As soon as the support messages start appearing on the screen I break down. I just want someone to hold me and tell me everything will be alright.

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This is probably the most overrated game of all time.
It's utterly vapid and superficial in it's philosophical posturing and relies on cheap "emotional" peaks that feel artificial because it never actually puts the work in to actually build up to them.
I say this as someone who liiked the first Nier.

Nigga the original Nier literally does the exact same thing you’re complaining about. Remember when Emil transforming into Skelly is done literally 30 minutes after you meet him? Remember when Kaine gives a big emotional speech to Emil 2 minutes after meeting him? Remember when the entirety of Route B is the game going “look what you did you fucking asshole” where every single boss has some tragic backstory? Remember when Devola and Popola have an autism fit because you defend yourself like a normal person? Remember when that blind girls death is drawn out 10 minutes despite being a very minor character? Shut the fuck up faggot.

I genuinely cannot tell if you faggots are being truthful or not that this shit made you emotional. You're all acting like this game is some sort of Boss reveal via MGS3 or something, especially this cringey ass fucking scene.

I play my games drunk af so crying is usually part of the process

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>it never actually puts the work in to actually build up to them.

This is the only time its appropriate to reference the size of 2B's ass to critique the game, it really can't put in much work story wise when the game is full of leotard clad animal buttcrack.



>Boss reveal via MGS3
now that's a cringey scene, just like everything else Kojima has done

Yes revealing the true purpose of the Boss' actions ultimately realizing she was just used by the government is the same as watching crying anime girl choke out her twink lover in a romance sub plot everyone saw coming within the first 5 minutes of the game

I can understand that then

>Remember when Emil transforming into Skelly is done literally 30 minutes after you meet him?
No not really. I guess it depends on how many side quests you do and when you do them, but he felt like a firmly established presence before his eventual transformation in my playthrough.
>Remember when Kaine gives a big emotional speech to Emil 2 minutes after meeting him?
this again depends on the pace of your playthrough, but it's a lot easier to actually buy an emotional connection between characters if said characters are, you know, actual characters. It makes sense for emil and kaine to bond over their shared experience of rejection by society. The game actually literally points that out by saying how they always camp outside when nier stays in a town.
Remember when the entirety of Route B is the game going “look what you did you fucking asshole” where every single boss has some tragic backstory?
I'll agree with you in that this part was more hit or miss, but it still had some highlights. Beepy's reveal for example felt totally earned since you already get the sense that gideon has lost it in the original playthrough.
> Remember when Devola and Popola have an autism fit because you defend yourself like a normal person?
That was kinda the point. Yeah you were in the right, but losing your other half after literally thousands of years might just turn you a bit crazy.
>Remember when that blind girls death is drawn out 10 minutes despite being a very minor character?
Not even sure what you are referring to here.

How? Apart from ending E sh'es dead in ending C and D since the station exploded

>revealing the true purpose of the Boss' actions ultimately realizing she was just used by the government
this is actually surprisingly close to the scene in OP's pic but i guess you're braindead and let the plot of an anime game go right over your head
not enough cutscenes with embarrassing expository dialogue and codec calls for you i guess



>apart from the canon ending she’s dead!

Be proud that you still have the mental capacity to be moved by things unlike the the soulless husks that post on this board. Nier made me cry many times. But mainly the true ending when I realized the true message of the game.

the ending was too big brain to get to me like that but what really got me fucked up was when that one robot from the forest sacrificed itself in the giant mech

I really don't see how a character looking attractive makes it impossible to tell a story.

Same here.
The chorus hitting the scene truly opened the flood gates. Literal manly tears of happiness.

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Nier gestalt ending did make me cry even though I was holding it back

>l. You're all acting like this game is some sort of Boss reveal via MGS3 or something
Yes, this is game indeed is even stronger than that.

>especially this cringey ass fucking scene
I don't see anything "cringey" about it, but no. I mostly refer to the E.

>30 minutes

not even close to the saddest or most poignant scene in that game