What are you spending your trumpbux on?
What are you spending your trumpbux on?
>Spending your money
>Not being an essential worker who's making hazard pay
>Not banking both your governmentbux and regular paycheck to buy a house on the cheap when we're at the bottom of the Great Depression 2.0
dragon dildos
My 7-year old PC finally shit the bed this morning so I had to use them on a replacement machine.
a 144hz monitor finally
your mom
You uh, you know you don't get anything if your parents claim you as a dependent, right? So NEETs don't get shit.
bruh just identify the part that went bad and replace that.
>Buying at the top
noooooooooooo don't call it trumpbux blumpf can't do anything right, it's the Pelosi Payment!
A NEET doesnt pay taxes you retard. They weren't getting it to begin with
I still haven't got mine, should I be worried?
>That pic
Didn't some dems want more to go to people and less to corps?
Got some bad news, baddragonbros
Come on user, spend your money like a good Goy.
>get 1200
>bills do
>now i'm down to half
what a fucking joke this "stimulus" is
Dragon dildo
They state very clearly that orders place before this announcement are still going to be made. Luckily I placed my order before that announcement.
b-b-but it's able to support people for 10 weeks!
You can get it even if you have never filed taxes in your life.
If it wasn't for Sen. Hawley (R)'s amendment, none of you povertyneets would've gotten a fucking thing. The original bill forced you to actually have a job before you got anything.
I thought that's how it was? They're giving the check to the unemployed too?
Simply put yes. In my head, someone saw Blank Check and remembered giving trillions to the current admin with little oversight was a bad idea
Thanks for that. Now I want one of the wanking things.
yes, they were blocking it because they wanted it to be better for normal people, like the person who posted that image
>sOciAlisM is bad
>Gimme money now
Has the Index ever been on the top selling list?
Funny how just one check can show how many people are hypocrites
Everyone except illegals and people claimed as dependents.
Saving it for when I need it for rent.
>Yeah, fuck the corporations!
>wait, what do you mean the company that signed my paycheck went out of business because no business on earth can survive two months of zero revenue and now I'm homeless and can't afford weed?
1200 doesn't do a fuckin thing. The government is so out of touch it's not even funny.
HEHE goym everyone's out shopping so what you want is in high demand time to pay MORE
>actually defending billion dollar corporations that could live for years without making a dime while still paying their ceos more than 50% of the country will make in their lives every year
will anything new happen in the gaming laptop world soon if not i'll probably get a new laptop
>Not having money saved for a rainy day
>Not taking precautions or risk management to mitigate in case shit like this happens
shouldn't have spent money on useless shit amirite?
>out of work for unforeseeable amount of time
>no idea how the economy will react while the virus itself hasn't even peaked yet
Dumbfuck incels operating at their finest.
>the doomsday cultists are still at it
2080ti, i5-9k, new motherboard and case
Or a semi auto shotgun
>implying anyone on Yas Forums or even Yas Forums can be responsible with money
I'm putting it towards my savings, which will mean I can pay off my car and credit card debt by the end of the year, after which I'll be able to save more every month to put towards paying off my student loan debt.
Got me a 2070 and a 1440p gsync monitor. Still have 400$ left over to spend but I'm probably going to save it. Cant fucking wait to play hl:a on decent settings, been scraping by with a 980 in vr for too long.