ITT soul vs soulless in gaming.
ITT soul vs soulless in gaming
Both look good zoomer.
I think only the Crash remake looks good.
Spyro took too much artistic license from the original designs.
Demon’s Souls: IMMENSE SOUL
Dark Souls: Nu-soul
Dark Souls 2: Soulful
Bloodborne: SOULFUL
Dark Souls 3: SOULLESS
Sekiro: Soul
Spyro himself is jam packed with soul. Bentley and shiela are the soulless ones.
The Spyro remake looks so shit that Oliver Wade, the character designer for Spyro 2 and 3 didn't like the designs
>Which character redesign did you like the most and which one do you dislike the most (if so)?
>"I loved what they did with all of the adult dragons. Each and every design was unique and excellent. I HATED Sheila. I realized I didn't make her overly "female" in the original but, that is not Sheila. I'm not even sure that's a Kangaroo. There were some others I wasn't all that crazy about and some I thought were well done but Sheila is awful."
This is even sadder when you realize this was the last Spyro game made by Insomniac.
Soul vs... oh wait remake didn't even bother recreating this area lol...
Honestly user? The tram area was pretty dull and didn't mind that they cut it.
The Crash one looks really good.
I don't even think the Crash ones look that bad, they just need to tone the bloom down
Original Sheila was such a lazy character design though. Literally just a cartoon kangaroo. Hate the new one all you want but don’t act like the original was anything special.
Bentley looks terrible, the rest are great.
Fucking detest Ripto and the barafaggotry crystal dragons though.
The original Spyro 2 already was the "soulless" to Spyro 1's soul.
Better than the shit we got, don't fix it if it isn't broken.
>both look good
Get a load of this fuckwit. Crash looks fine but Spyro is the only saved from looking like something crapped out of Fanboy and Chum Chum.
>But it's stupid! It's goofy!
They were the only enemy that was dangerous at a distance with the ability to spit acid. They can also grab you if you're too close. There was another variant that would be poisonous depending on a certain action you take as a previous character. All changed for their replacement. A plant zombie with only one attack and function identically to Clickers from The Last of Us. The reason?
>Tsuyoshi Kanda: One thing that sticks in my mind, really, is that… when I think back to my memories of Resident Evil 2, the plant monster that appears was really memorable for me. So there I was, I was thinking ‘oh, how are we going to handle this one…’ but then one day I looked at the planning documents of how we were rethinking the story and it was no longer in it.
>I was kind of like… “what’s happening here?!” [laughs] I talked to the team and they said well, it’s really hard to make a plant monster in a more realistic atmosphere. We just thought we’d skip it. I told them I needed us to make it work, and that led to a back-and-forth on how to do it for about a year – them saying it couldn’t be done and me as producer saying I wanted it in there. As for how it turned out in the end… we’ll leave it for you to see later! But that’s one of the things I really remember butting heads with the team on for quite a while.
Devs attempting to just skip anything slightly difficult or "unrealistic" is the epitome of soulless.
Is it better than the concept art though?
R.I.P Western animation. You'll be missed dearly.
Go for simplicity. We know shes Australian they didn't have to add in the dumb shirt. The hair is unnecessary and her waist looks shrunken down too.
Why'd this give me a boner
Talented artists who know what they're doing to you.
Whats even worse is 2D is not only dead, but the quality of the movies is even worse now since everyone can just crap out some 3D abomination like Minions or Storks or Frozen.
Resident Evil 3 (1998) = Soul
Resident Evil 3 (2020) = Soulless
t. someone who loves remake 2 and OG re2
If anything, that should've been more reason to try and improve it.
Right is pretty good, actually. I think they really caught the essence of the original.
I remember someone posting on Yas Forums some Frozen storyboards in 2D that looked really good. What could have been.
A decent portion of the remake of the first game looks good (too good in some cases, like the beautiful swamp which is supposed to be dark and dull), but damn, the play-doh grass in Summer Forest in the second stood out so much to me. The grass was fine in the remake of the first, but it looked like shit in the second.
Carlos is the only soulful part of 3remake.
Original had
>Randomization of enemies and item placement in certain locations
>Live-selection altering the course of events in minor ways on top of different scenes depending on where you go and in order which makes worth a 2nd playthrough in the very least
>The best gunpowder crafting in the series which the remake simplified to be even easier then remake2 if that's even possible
>City streets are even shorter then the original if that's even possible
>Clock Tower interior and Park cut. Dead Factory replaced with NEST2. For some reason, it's the Hospital that got the rightful remake treatment, improved and expanded
>Roaming Nemesis only hunts the already tiny street section
>Nemesis appears right at the start. No attempt to build him up at all unlike the original
>Brad's death changed only to weakly tie-in to RE2Remake
How on earth did they fuck up this bad. At least the harder difficulties serve the same function in regards to changing item/enemy placement.
Skylanders Dark Spyro > The Legend of Spyro Dark Spyro
Furries blasted