First Resident Evil game and god damn I'm having a blast. On the final boss of my first run

First Resident Evil game and god damn I'm having a blast. On the final boss of my first run.

Is it true that most other installments drop the horror/metroidvania aspect, because honestly those are the parts I love the most

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Enjoy it while it lasts.

>First Resident Evil game a
You could not have picked a much worse place to start.

>Is it true that most other installments drop the horror/metroidvania aspect,
Nigga, these DEmakes absolutely TRIVIALIZED all that stuff + completely killed replay value.
If you want an actual horror-adventure-puzzler, play RE1-3, CV and REmake1.

Crapcom has not made a good RE game since 2005.

Only 1, 2, REmake and REmake 2 are like that. Maybe even 7 but that's way dumbed down.

>You could not have picked a much worse place to start

>What is 4,5,6,RE3 or any of the non numbered entries besides CV

When should I make my saves for an S+ run? I assume I need one before G2 because fuck that part.

If you like this you should check out the resident evil 1 remake.

Resident Evil 2 and its remake were the peak of the franchise at any of their given times.
As someone who played them all, I would unironically recommend you to go straight to Resident Evil 7, it is more like Outlast but with better gameplay that any other FPS survival game.

Re3 Remake is not bad at all and it is worth your time but it is so much shorter than it should be, the level design is so very linear but I liked it because they bundled the stealth remake of Resident Evil Outbreak with it.

I saved before sewers and before G3.

It was 4, 5, and 6 that dropped the metroidvania aspect, the other mainline games have it to varying degrees. I would recommend just playing them in release order. RE1, RE2, RE3, Code Veronica, REmake, RE4. Even though 4 is different it's still great on its own merits.

>What is 4
One of the best games ever made?

>Resident Evil 2 and its remake were the peak of the franchise
lol no

terrific ride, if only it was longer...

RE2make has way better map design than the original, and is also scarier (even Kamiya thinks so).

>One of the best games ever made?
Maybe, but certainly not a resident evil game

>RE2make has way better map design than the original,
And that's where the superiority ends.
Big chunks of the original's world is cut, there's more of these obvious points of no returns, replay value is literally halved thanks to A/B campaigns having no differences now + total removal of the Zapping mechanic, and even numerous enemy types and weapons were outright cut.

Its got fantastic replay value and lots of nice extras at least.

Re7 is actually one of the best, it is a reinvention of the franchise that excels in many areas.

It is one of those rare instances on how a narrative based game can incorporate both story and gameplay without ever feeling there is a tug of war between the both. See Doom Eternal if you want to know how NOT to incorporate story into a videogame.

The only problem is that once you know how things go, you may or not want to give it another replay. Much like RE4, one play-through is enough for most people.

Code Veronica is a favorite of mine, it is the best send off to the original formula but I admit the plot gets in the way, if you did not play at least Re2 you might feel lost.

I feel RE is at its worst when they try to either incorporate their LORE in the game or when they go wacky with the gameplay, if both happen you get RE6.

It is much more of a Resident Evil game than anything that followed.


RE2R is like the perfect fusion of old and new.

Guys, could this be RE8? This is what we really need for the series

Only mexicans and brazilians consider Re3 the peak of the franchise because it is the only game they got there aside Kof and MK Trilogy respectively.

RE4 is a different formula than the rest of the series and it spawned RE5 and RE6 that are much more action focused.

CV is fine but shares some of the problems of RE5, I find Re5 and CV to be closely related in a bad way.

RE6 is universally hated.

RE7 is like taking those early access survival horror games and then actually making a videogame instead of a walking simulator with bad AI.

RE3:RE could had been so much more.

>Dead Space ripoff
>Outlast x PT x Condemned clusterfuck.

Fuck no. It's new + new, with a fake, cheap costume of an older game.
Literally the worst case scenario for a remake that fans waited for 17 fucking years. This, FF7R and the new Doom games all should have been purged.

>Only mexicans and brazilians consider Re3 the peak of the franchise
uh, okay? REmake is still the peak, my child.
RE3 is still the very best PS1 game.

>It doesn't count if it's too much like Dead Space

Ok retard

No, it is literally a reskinned DS.
And it's all around inferior to both the 1998 original RE2, and especially to the 2002 REmake.

>One of the best games ever made?
It's subjective. Some people liked the atmosphere of the previous ones better. There's just something very arcadey about looting the enemies for bullets, random herbs, grenades and eggs. It ruins my suspension of disbelief harder than any over the top B-movie style story ever could and suspension of disbelief is everything to me in a videogame.
Still, I understand how you could think RE4 is one of the best games ever made as a buddy of mine was really into it when it came out. He just could not get enough of it and I found it puzzling.

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>literally a reskinned DS.
Dead Space is closer to RE4 than RE2R

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>all these zoomies praising the worst DEmake before 3 came out.
Today I will remind them:

Cut content:

>Evolved Lickers
>Moth Boss
>Zombie Brad Vickers
>Ivies turned into humanoid green zombies
>Super Tyrant nu-Mr X isn't even fully transformed during the final boss battle
>cut zapping system
>cut extreme battle mode
>cut arrange mode
>cut most of the initial city section before RPD
>cut explosive grenades type
>cut Bowgun
>Biker Leon
>Baseball cap Leon
>CowGirl Claire
>Standard difficulty autosaves and lets you save anywhere
>Short as fuck


>No new enemy types.
>Plant monsters are just another crappy zombie reskin
>Claire looks like a mutt goblina.
>Over use of swearing that just makes a lot of the dialog fluffy and cheap
>Walking feels floaty
>Guns dont feel satisfying to shoot
>Good chunk of the city portion has been watered down and made shorter
>Auto balanced difficulty that fucks your shit up if you do too good
>Killed atmosphere;Turned into a generic spooky flashlight corridor walker. Not every fucking room in RE2 was a dark hallway you needed a flash light for
>Some good puzzles cut for shitty dial puzzles
>Lack of music
>no fixed camera

>b-but the OG was too easy!
>n-nobody cares about some birds and bugs! They're 2generic!!
>y-you have not even played the game, LOL!!!
>please buy our game, goy!!!!

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I only noticed the spider which was replaced by the tumor thing.

The redesign of the plant guy is a much welcome improvement, the ivy is real fucking scary.
>A/B campaigns having no differences now
In the remake we get the orphanage which is new and one additional section of the city before the gator but I do find trouble remembering the differences between Claire B and Leon B.

I played RE2 way back in the 90's so I might have forgotten some details.

>Dead Space is closer to RE4 than RE2R
Both games would be instantly 100 times better IF they would resemble RE4 in any shape or form.
RE4 literally plays MUCH closer to a classic RE games than these Evil Within wannabes.

>The redesign of the plant guy is a much welcome improvement
Like hell it is. It's literally just a 1-hit-kill green zombie now.
And they also cut the Crows and all the insect foes.

Is this a joke? Genuinely asking

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Why would anyone play a remake before they at least try the original? Doesn't make sense to me.
>Metroidvania aspect
I must be in a fucking containment thread.

After G1, Before G2, Before G3

I really wish I could just keep doing playthroughs of the game but even on Hardcore it feels trivial. And what are the bonus rewards for future playthroughs? Just shit that makes the game easier. I wish there were randomized enemies, randomized item placements, some kind of hardcore+ difficulty maybe. Otherwise I love the game, I just wish it gave me better reasons to replay it.

>unloading a clip into a zombies head during it's death animation
fucking retard

No matter if it's the A or B campaign, Leon and Claire will always go through the exact same events and fight the exact same bosses.
In the 1998 original, the two A and B campaigns changed the plot's progression and boss fights, providing 4 more or less distinct campaigns in total.

The "Zapping" system refers to the interaction between the A/B campaigns; in certain spots of the game, you could choose to pick up certain items or leave them for the other character, or do some other actions that affect the B route in various ways.
There is no such interaction and overlapping in the 2019 de-make, and the fact that it was cut and not expanded further is just one of the many lost opportunities, resulted by laziness and rushed release.

1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, REmake, 0, 7 RE2make and R3make are all exploration-based, requiring you to hunt for items to progress. The rest are linear to varying degrees. Don't skip 4 whatever you do.

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>Big chunks of the original's world is cut, there's more of these obvious points of no returns
You're confusing it with RE3make. RE2make has the same locations, reinterpreted but they both have the police station, sewers, and lab. It only has one major point of no return which is the lab, I'm not sure if it's possible to backtrack out of the original's lab but there would be absolutely no point in doing so. If anything RE2make adds a third optional police station visit to get the magnum.

But 7 has spoilers for the previous games.

No, this is not a joke.
The 2019 game is.

>death animation
spoiler alert: it's not even dead yet.

>actually recommending 6
fucking disgusting, get the fuck out

Not him, but I'd have to play RE2 remake and Dead Space again to tell which one is more similar to RE4. I want to give it to Dead Space because it's more linear and gives you way more resources and upgrades to fuck around with.


>You're confusing it with RE3make
No, I am not.
Yes, DE3make cut literally 60% of the whole game world, but DE2make already removed and diminished:

>all of the street sections
>the entire Factory & cable cart sections

They also cut the Cop station basement in half and made it inaccessible in whole.
The Labs were also totally butchered in design and progression.

nah, it was alright.

6 is fantastic

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The second worst game in the series? Yeah

To be fair, fighting crows in this style would be a nightmare

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DS and DEmake2 are literally like two cherries.
RE4's gameplay mirrors the older REs much closer, thanks to its stationary aiming, inventory management, manual saves, et cetera. Obviously it's nowhere near as open-ended and puzzle-heavy as 1-CV, but still closer than the follow ups.

>RE3 is still the very best PS1 game
Commonly agreed, yeah.

...and that's a bad thing in a horror game ?
I'd also have to ask that what kind of a shitty dev would have trouble implementing flying enemies anyway?? Even RE4-7 had them!

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The second best game in the series? Yeah

You're really relying on people to not play the original, because if they did they'd know you're being hyperbolic as fuck.
By all means they should, because they're two separate and unique experiences, but to call RE2make lazy is laughable considering its core gameplay is way more complex.
>but muh forgettable filler enemy spiders and crows that pad out every RE game!

>Is it true that most other installments drop the horror/metroidvania aspect, because honestly those are the parts I love the most
You still have the original RE, RE 2, RE 3, REmake 1 and 2. Maybe try CV if you can handle it’s many flaws and Zero if you like Becca.

Is this guy some kind of a lunatic?

i dont think i'd group REmake 3 in there as you really only get a minimal amount of exploration in the streets and the hospital, at least compare to the rest you listed. good game though especially for OP coming off REmake 2 as their first experience but its significantly more linear than 2.
also the RE Outbreak games are a necessary add. exploration/puzzle heavy but in bitesize 1-2 hour chunks

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Recommending the Mercenaries specifically is fine.
Recommending a campaign makes you a silly fuck unless you're advising a person who wants co-op.

>Implying Condemned was bad and not a fucking gem.

On topic I feel Condemned and Condemned 2 capture the essence of the Resident Evil dilemma. The first was a serious down to earth game that was genuinely unsettling like RE1,2,4 and 7 while Condemned 2 was outright wacky like RE3,CV and RE5 and I would still love a 3rd game.

the worst game in the series? Yeah.

You still got the OG trilogy and it’s remakes. Skip CV and Zero tho’

I don't think he was making a judgment of Condemned in his post.

>you're being hyperbolic as fuck.
No I am not, but please explain how you think I am.

>to call RE2make lazy is laughable
No, it is not. It is VERY safe, quickly put-together, generic mess, that just demonstrates that you should not try to turn an apple into an orange.
It's a clunky fucking slog to play, that's also forgettable as fuck.

>but muh forgettable filler enemy spiders and crows
Nailed it at

You are both faggots but specially the CVfag. Of all games to be fag of.

Okay so I'll for sure save before G2 and G3, thanks guys.

Claire is cute and I want to kiss her.

speak for yourself.

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>Implying Condemned was bad and not a fucking gem.
Condemned was excellent.
Mixing it with PT and Outlast, and then call it a "Resident Evil"? Now that's just bullshit.

>unsettling like 4 and 7
>whacky like 3 and CV
Nigga, you better be baiting, as otherwise you're mentally insane.

You have an impressive tolerance for cinematic set pieces, QTEs, and frustrating padding.

everyone here is a faggot, faggot.

So you have bad taste and low standards, thats cool dude.

He must have loved REmake 3 then.

lmao fag

A frustrating not fun nightmare. Not a scary nightmare