Do you still think RTX is a meme?
>That last map
Now imagine this in a game with good graphics instead of minecraft
Do you still think RTX is a meme?
Aside from the cosmetics of the game, does it change the gameplay any? I'm personally more interested in dlss since it can help improve performance.
>Do you still think RTX is a meme?
Today? yes. In 2025? Absolutely not.
Yes, it still is. But hardware agnostic real time ray tracing isn't and will be the future.
Kys retard,
it looks brilliant,
imagine stuff like that in VR
I thought raytracing had been a thing in video games for a while, to be honest I rarely play newer games, let alone aaa ones.
No, I think it's snake oil.
You just made his point. Even flat games with a 2080ti struggle to reach 60fps in a fully raytraced game. With VR you're looking at >2x the performance required. Impossible right now.
>does it change the gameplay any
Maybe? If lighting works like it does in the real world that mean less tricks devs will have to come up with to achieve natural and beautiful scenery.
It's been used in instances such as screen space reflections, not really sure when they decided to apply that tech to all lighting in general, I can only assume that theyve been working on this for a while now.
Not in that example no, just aesthetics there. Games could make use of the reflections/lighting in some sort of puzzle mechanic I imagine. Best use is it doesn't tank the performance doing that kind of high quality stuff
"RTX" isn't a thing, it's just Nvidia's process for raytracing. It's a name.
But no, Raytracing isn't a meme, it'll become more and more common until it's just normal for most games with "realistic" graphics.
Nvidia's implementation and marketing of theirs has been a total meme.
I would argue indirectly. RTX makes it a lot easier for devs to get lighting effects that just work. Thus, they can spend less time on graphics programming and more time on gameplay programming.
hand crafted lighting is SOUL
raytracing is SOULLESS
Unless it lessons the dev time on games, which I've never heard anyone complain about how long it takes to light shit and devs are fucking baffoons anyway so I doubt this will make an impact.
This. Realism doesn't necessary mean it's good design.
I bet you think dark souls 2 looks good after the downgrade, truly hand crafted!
it's literally the inverse, it's like the lights were off, and someone put the plug in
Literally and unironically what did he mean by this?
No, but DS1 looks better than the "Remaster" with all its shit dynamic lightning.
Try 2040
but they are hand crafted user, develops can still pick how the lighting works. just a hell of a lot easier on them and the performance strain
>Now imagine this in a game with good graphics
I can imagine a huge drop in framerate.
The problem is Minecraft is $27 now, and what other notable RTX games are there at the moment? One bonus map in Amid Evil, Quake 2 RTX, and Control. No one cares for the reflections at the cost of destroyed performance in Battlefield V for example. When this is more used i'll care, but right now my gift of an RTX 2080 Super has basically nothing to push itself on for raytracing.
I hate how he pretends to like everything about it without an ounce of critique. Did he have to accept the sponsorship from nvidia to access the beta or something?
It's a fucking commercial, what did you expect?
baked-in lighting uses raytracing
It only looks impressive in minecraft, you wont notice a difference in other games
How do you think raytracing works? They don't just ask God to provide some lights for their scene
I think the reflections, such as working mirrors, will be fairly noticeable. But generally it'll just look different from existing lighting solutions, since those have been pretty sophisticated for years.
There's a subtle fat/asperger in his voice.
Problem is how many games do you play where you can take the time to soak in reflections? Water maybe, RTX water on like a Wave Race or Hydro Thunder would be neat if blurry. But windows, glass, walls, it's set dressing that adds to but doesn't define a scene. More realistic shadowing and global illumination can have a more drastic effect, even completely supplanting the need for ambient occlusion altogether, and arguably be less blurry when the screen moves if done right, but few games so far want to use that.