>I will now play the song that kills Sony Computer Entertainment
I will now play the song that kills Sony Computer Entertainment
Ok but seriously though Yas Forums, what the fuck were they thinking????
"We sold a hundred million units and we don't have to try anymore"
This thinking is familiar
I guarantee Japan takes back the PlayStation brand by the end of the 5, California has demonstrated they just want to succeed by doing nothing.
They were promoting Ghost of Tsushima and in that context it was appropriate, I guess.
Mario Odyssey was about hats they didn't hand the floor to the manager of a Lids
Same thing Microsoft thought when they announced the Cablebox One in 2013. A generation of success breeds stagnation.
Right, let's blame this on California, you fat trumpanzee retard.
That analogy is so stupid and misconstrued it's actually kind of funny.
This has literally nothing to do with politics and everything to do with them thinking they can run PlayStation like a silicon valley startup and still succeed
You are addicted to (You)s.
Sniffing their own farts so hard they thought people actually care for le high art when that was just a handful of journos licking their balls for badly written reviewerbait games.
I don't think they hired local when they moved there anyway.
>A generation of success breeds stagnation
Funny how nintendo has never had this problem though.
You are addicted to Russian cock, you obese disgrace.
SNES to N64
Wii to Wii U
I buy basically every game they make, but you're retarded
Did you miss the WiiU?
Wii U you dumbshit Nindownie. They literally thought it would sell just because it said "Wii".
The guy literally studied and uncovered the secrets of this ancient kind of flute and revived a dead instrument single handedly. loosely related to the game itself so no sure why they flew him out
Does Yas Forums not know how to use the pen tool or to adjust mask layers?
>Does Yas Forums not know
>master of the instrument
>it still sounds like shit
Yas Forums doesn't know how to tie its own shoes
I just rewatched it.
I don't get it, whats bad?
Hmm... I wonder what's for dinner.
Okay nevermind it actually gets a lot worse.
>Two years later
>Xbros still seething
Why has Uncle Phil never had a good E3?
They're cringing because they're underageb&
Uhhhh... I don't understand, what does "bad" mean? what are things? pls respond =^___^=
Not him but the problem wasn't the name, obviously. The problem was all the marketing that made it look like an add on to the wii and not a new console in and of itself.
In a world of wojak and pepe being the only memes, there is no reason for anyone to put effort into anything on this site.
Frankly its more embarrassing they moved everyone into a barn for the last of us
Just a heads up: when people are laughing and pointing at you, they're not angry, even if they hurt your feelings.
So you're saying it was the name
lmao imagine flopping at e3 so hard you just ragequit forever.
>and revived a dead instrument
well it killed sony's e3 conference so makes sense it was dead lol