Name a more unfun class of weapons in video games than Snipers. You can't
Name a more unfun class of weapons in video games than Snipers. You can't
Assault rifles
mounted mgs that 2 hit kill at any range
I love assault rifles. They have lots of dakka while being reasonably accurate, there's always a few around, there's always ammo. It's your good old friend. No gimmicks, no bullshit, just reliable firepower.
Shotguns. Especially autoshotties, the official weapon of choice for grugs worldwide.
One shot kills anywhere but the head, make them broken and unfun.
>assault rifles
Making them lasers with short as fuck TTKs make them broken and unfun
Making them have huge 1 shot range makes them broken and unfun.
>R1 errday
Straight swords.
You can’t balance multiple snipers without giving some of them better one shot areas in exchange for some other downside
DS3 pvp is such cancer. Just neutered boring cancer, at least DS1 was fun cancer
Light artillery.
DaS PvP was a poor man's PvP of any game. I remember giving it a go and people actually giving a single fuck about a "honourable duel".
that's the problem with the current CoD
>AR's are extremely over powered to the point where they're all laser like accurate with insane power per round
>SMG's have the same type of damage with slightly worse penetration
>Sniper rifles are quick scope city. One shot, one kill at anything waist up
>Pistols take 5+ rounds to kill anyone making them useless
you're wrong about shotguns though. Not all games gives them insane range for one hit kills. Shotguns actually have quite the range on them, especially when they have slug attachments.
Assault Rifles. They are NEVER distinct enough between one another in a roster, and fulfill every possible role. They always kill stupid fast. They always have either a bunch of M4 clones or FAL clones. Games would be better off without them.
>honorable duel
>when backstab spam is so easy in Dark Souls 1
Lol no. Duels are for gays.
>games would be better off without the best possible class of guns
Literally the only thing they'd have to do to make AR's more differed is recoil. Stop giving ARs no recoil and laser like accuracy. An FAL for instance should kick like a mule, but .308 should drop a target in 2 shots compared to the various m16/m4 clones in 5.56
I know. What I’m saying has nothing to with honourable duels. Fun cancer, as in stupid fun with variety as opposed to straight sword phantom range r1 spam meta
Yeah, I know IRL ARs exist because of life's power creep potential. But in a game, we ought to suspend a level of realism for the sake of engaging problem solving and diverse playstyles. I don't play sims, but the best example of an AR is how CSGO does it with the AK.
Sure, shotguns with even normal buckshot have a hell of a lot more range than games portray, but is that a fun mechanic? Personally I don't think so, shotguns are usually just frustrating
>Every gun is lethal
Defend this
>CS:GO being anything but shit for guns overall
no thanks, I don't like RNG determining where my bullets land. However, Battlefield for instance has decent recoil on some of the guns, enough to make it matter. I've personally been playing the new CoD with only LMG's and launchers.
>LMG's make it so you run slower
>You make more noise than anyone else (you jingle from all the ammo)
>Your sprint runs out sooner
>Yet your gun does the same damage per round as any AR
I've taken to camping up somewhere with my LMG, claymore guarding my rear. I constantly have other players sending hate mail because "REEE YOU'RE CAMPING" as if I'm not working to the strength of my weapon.
well something has to give. If all the other weapons in the game have an insanely low time to kill, you have to make the shotguns worth using. Pump action shotguns for instance take quite a bit of skill to use in modern shooters because if you miss, you're dead before you can even pump and try a 2nd shot. Auto/semi-auto shotguns have reduced damaged to make up for the fact that they're semi/full auto.
Games have a tendency to do shotguns dirty though. Look at the most recent REmake 3. Shotgun has a cone of damage like 2 feet wide at 3 inches away.
When I was an invasion nigger I'd do anything to kill them. Amount of messages I had from people raging over ""honourable duels"" was hilarious.
no faggot, im invading you. kids gloves come off.
I prefer damage based on calibre instead of a retarded number attached to said weapon.
>hurr i 1 shot youuu
I love :
> snipers
> automatic and single shot assault rifles
> basic pistols
> SMGs if they feel stable and decently accurate
exactly. Even more so in Dark Souls 3 with how they do everything they can to fuck over the invader.
>MFW purposely invading as a grape with a bunch of various weapons to counter any sort of gank squad
>MFW killing a squad of 4 to the point where the host runs back to the bonfire to try and summon more
>MFW killing them with a parry/riposte and hornet ring
>MFW the satisfaction of doing the point down emote
I really wish Dark Souls 3 had the "no way" emote from Dark Souls 2.
Something about this game is just not good and I don't know what it is. I like hardcore shooters and liked the first Insurgency but this one doesn't sit right with me.
>muh RNG
OK Boomer. The reason I think the AK is a good example is because of how much it's a skill-scaling power-weapon that counters different roles based on how good the welder is. It's also the second most expensive gun, making it strategically a goal-post for money managers with insane ROI. But let's go along with RNG memes instead, and completely forget the depth of play the rest of the game has.
>LMGs and Launchers
I will respect you, still, because whenever I play COD I exclusively use whatever variant of RPG I can, and my knife. Ballistics are for chumps!
Alright guys, feel free to disagree, but in a Battlefield/COD ttk type game, this is how I think most guns are the most fun
Give them above average recoil, damage, and punishing reload times, keeping LMGs relevant, and keeping them all around useful, but worse than shotguns up close/snipers at range/LMGs for suppression. They should be the best weapon if you have no idea at what range you’ll be fighting at, but never the end all be all best weapon
Have two kinds of sniper rifles. Big boys with a bipod that can one shot to the head or body, and can damage vehicles, but have awful sway when not prone, and low total ammo count, maybe like one spare mag, making camping inefficient, and killing quickscopes. The other type should be a lighter rifle that only one shots on headshot, can quickscope, and carries more ammo, therefore either greatly rewarding skill, or being mostly a support weapon best used in a team to greatly damage enemies with body shots to be taken out by others
Distinguish them from ARs with much lower recoil, high ADS sway, and lower damage, with no/little penetration. Done.
Less recoil and higher capacity than ARs, but high ADS sway when not in a bipod, and long reloads. Damage should be in line with ARs so they don’t feel awful to use
Reliable one-shot kills with low capacity and fire rates, and obviously crummy range. Auto shotguns are usually awful for the user or awful for everyone else, just don’t put them in multiplayer games with low TTKs.
>punishing reload time
nah. ARs and SMGs both have fantastic reload times unless you're doing drum mags or something. LMG's make sense.
Everything else is fine.
I think Wildlands did it right by having a universal suppression mechanic, which brings out the strengths of bullet hoses like LMGs. I'd argue auto shot-guns would also be good for this role, as a suppression instrument, but on a smaller, shorter, scale.
there are so many times I've been outgunned as an LMG user it hurts.
>Laying down suppressive fire
>bursts of gunfire, keeping people in hiding
>Gun damage is so low that the enemy sniper is basically able to poke his head out and tank my 2-3 rounds to the chest and put one in my dome
Shit's frustrating.